Watch the rhetoric of people like this, the utterly dismissive, destructive style they apply to their opponents. The efforts to declare the tragedy "fake", and the kids as dupes. We need to realize that this is now a form of war. The unprincipled maggots like Lucian Wintrich or Alex Jones, hell any one of these bastards who dares to question the grief and anger of these young men and women. Trump now has to carry the stains of this too - he legitimized them by giving them credence and even White House access. Wintrich looks like the guy you see getting his head slammed into a bar rail while the rest of bar cheers.

If we're able to retake Congress, we need to seriously look at a law that provides a means of redress for people victimized by these fucks. Bankrupt a few and the rest will slither back under their rocks. If they keep it up, the law should escalate from civil to criminal, then lock them up for a few years. This isn't a free speech issue. This is a form of cyber bullying and it goddamn well needs to be stopped.

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That's what happens when you make up your own facts.

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They live sheltered lives. My high school had it's own SDS chapter back in the day. They don't seem to remember the period of say 1967 to 1972. There were a lot of high school students staring down the draft lottery and marching. Probably don't teach that history when they're home schooled by their Momma-cousins.

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As Will Rogers so eloquently put it.."I belong to no organized political party, I'm a Democrat"

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It's almost as if those kids had been groomed for leadership positions.

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It's important to bear in mind that the people crying "false flag" and "crisis actors" also invariably claim to think that the availability of semiauto rifles is a threat to military forces with full auto versions of the same weapons plus body armor, training, organization, air, armor & artillery support etc. In other words, the ones who seem to know the least about the actual use of firearms.

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Already happening over Charlottesville, just getting into court now. All b/c it didn't occur to the conspiracists to check if a used car had been resold again.

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Gotta take issue here: DonJr is not the ‘stupidest’ PresSon. That would be Eric. ‘I’m Eric!

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On toast!

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It's got electrolytes!

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It is truly a mystery!

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On the bright side, the video is listed on YouTube as having been removed for violating the policies against harassment and bullying.

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This is a rather wonderful example of the unfalsifiable nature of conspiracy thinking.-the kid is too clever!-the kid is too dumb!

-the kid is too well spoken!-the kid is inarticulate!

-the FBI's negligence caused this!-the FBI actively conspired to let this happen!

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Hey, guys--here's the web address for the Coalition To Stop Gun Violence. It's a big umbrella organization with something like 48 groups under it. Can't hurt: might help. I can't donate monies right now, but I can write an op/ed and I can march on D.C. It feels like the tide has turned. I want to launch this boat. Let's keep our fingers crossed.https://www.csgv.org/

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I love those kids. And the die-in ones in DC. Also they were waiting to see if they would die, during the massacre. Not just seeing others die.

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Don't forget Joe Smith Jesus.

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