I hope GP goes the way of Gawker, but for legitimate and noble reasons this time.

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I think it's sort of like, we've known for a long time what he's all about already, having proven himself a total garbage human, and somehow the photo just confirms what you had in mind?

I'll admit though, if I saw this guy in a bar and he wanted to buy me a drink, I'd find a polite way to decline. He's just got something about him that would make me uneasy, can't say what exactly. My spidey senses have proven invaluable in the past so I'll just keep listening to them.

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I feel the same way too. You know what Shakespeare said!. But it's true to some extent. It has to be. That expression in their eyes that they don't understand anything is real. Esp if their mouth is also open. Your brain registers these things and lights up, but then your mind feels bad.

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If they don't win it will just be more evidence of how broken our justice system is.

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3rd theory: Gay frogs doing interspecies gay stuff.

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Excellent Re-Cap of This Week In The KLAN

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The counterpart to "Meal Team Six."?

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Oh, they're probably setting up a trust, as we speak.

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I woulda gone to Atlanter, but I took an arrow to the knee!

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Doesn't SMOTI owe us money? We should collect now before he's broke.

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Sounds like this jackass could be collectible in the near future, Wonkette.

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Can I drive one of the wrecking-balls, please!

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...right after the Dred Scott decision...

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I reckon the Hofts have turned themselves into stereotypes. "God and your parents give you the face you're born with, but you make the one you die with."

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No way. My mother did that. :-(

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