Here's my guess at the script:

Dialogue that's witty the first time you hear it, but gets a bit stale on the second viewing. Violence.

Am I close?

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But, but, wait...

“Gawker Media has made a business of predatory journalism, violating people’s rights to make a buck,”

Doesn't this sort of describe Quentin Tarantino's own career? I mean, hasn't he violated my rights to have movies make sense, relate to reality, and/or be about something that will expand and not shrivel my humanity? Just askin'.

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What's the french word for "Guy who rips off foreign films and takes all the credit"?

le Douche?

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Yeah, we'll never see another Tarentino film if this script was leaked... I mean, I suppose if the script was terrible (Not impossible that it was written on a cocktail napkin and 80% of the words were KABLAMO!, but...)

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I had to google that, but yes. I will allow it.

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I'd buy that for a dollar. (Or even if the subscription rate was higher)

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we goine be doin one thang and one thang only...

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Gawker advanced to Pulp Fiction? Fuggedaboutit.

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Mr. Clock?

Edit: No, wait, he thought he could trust Mr. Pink.

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Really? I pretty much never see movies, but a "modern remix" of the period fashions warrants a "fuck me" and there's another one I can ignore.

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Okay, now this was a ha-producing subthread.

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Aw, that's disingenuous. Even I know who Q is.

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Ah, as to your second paragraph, no.

As long as the hypothetical director restricts his or her appearance to episodes that are not central to the overall flow, who cares? And if, by chance, you are thinking specifically of Pulp, the whole scene was on acid ("Winston Wolf"?). Why involve an actual actor?

As to your first graf, I think calliecallie already came up with the proper term.

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I haven't teevee, but I'm working my way through <i>Fringe</i> on dvd.

I do not regard Happy as an alternate universe -- it's just the pop-cultural tail of the dog that is our home mommyblog.

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<i>Everything's a little better with moar Lucy Liu. </i>

Now, this is an undeniably true statement. Negropolis's First Postulate.

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Schlub should have studied Business in college.

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