I'm literally to the point where I think its time Cal just quit paying money to the feds and start spending its money at home. ..

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That'd be entirely justified. But having an underfunded neighbor is no fun either...we've already got one of those. A better plan is for a rising tide to lift all boats, at least as soon as they get tired of drowning.

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I was homeless. I'm not a drug addict. I'm a highly educated white woman whose disability got away from her. During Trump's term... when disability is something for which it is impossible to qualify.

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where are you located? I feel like the west coast and southwest is doing ok? I mean, the people who would suffer are war-mongering bigots who I am tired of propping up, personally.

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Northern Oilstan

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I'm in San Diego. Just to clarify, the current underfunded neighbor I was referring to is Mexico. With some help and encouragement, we could do a lot of good there, but of course that would impinge on the profits of the billionaire donor class.

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Oh right. No I agree. But fuck, they have more ollie-garks almost than we do. Talk about shadow masters. Scary shit.

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There was a RWNJ movement underway the second that Newsom was elected to have him recalled and thrown out of office. They equate the PG&E blackouts over the summer with Enron's perfidy which managed to start a movement to oust Gray Davis from office (leading to the rise of Arnold Schwartzenegger into the governorship). Too stupid to understand that PG&E's malfeasance had gone on for decades, they want the entire blame to be placed on Newsom (who hadn't been in office but six or so months when the blackouts started). They aren't getting much traction except from other wingnuts.

I belong to a FB group called "California Sucks" and I have never seen such a gathering of pure, free-range idiots who aren't afraid to put their brutish values and prejudices on full frontal display. This morning, they were whinging about Newsom's homeless proposal. I should grab quotes and post them here, but I'm too tired of mean people and their shit overall. Why do I belong to this "California Sucks"group? I derive some vicarious pleasure in watching a great tragedy for idiots unfold. It gives me a cathartic sense that I am smarter than they are, that my life and thought processes are not as shitty as theirs are, and that wonderful "I get to know the enemy and he is stupid" feeling. There has got to be a German word for that which is not "schadenfreude."

There are many causes of homelessness. There is no reason that we cannot solve for at least 80%.

I've written a fuckin' essay here, and now I'm going to drink a beer and dive into "The Watchmen" or one of many escapist shows on TV.

Good Night My Fellow Wonkers...

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Here is something to make you smile- it is a print by the artist John Lurie called "Of Course Animals Have Souls" https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Homelessness? Personally, I’ve taken Trump’s ‘s advice and am saving to buy a real rake from Finland to protect my property from wildfire which, we now know, is often caused by unraked properties. Thank you, my leader, all glory to God in your battle to save our state from Satan.

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My pleasure, I learned about Lurie from Anthony Bourdain's show, his art is amazing

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Absolutely right S.McF- addiction is a disease, and like all diseases not something you wish for.

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Ruined you obviously lol

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Human decency and intellect?

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I'd like to have her as our PM. I don't know what New Zealand would do, but I'm not suggesting a swap. I wouldn't wish Smoko on my worst enemy.

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