But what if we make America such a good place to live that they want to stay here?? And have children??? And want to marry our daughters???? Dogs and cats, living together!!! Mass hysteria!!!!

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Starve? Hell, we can just run down to the Burger King off 95 South. They're drive-thru's still working.

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Jesus was just talking about charity to Americans, I'm sure.

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They'll claim they were tricked into not getting the virus.

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Trying to slow it among undocumented folk caring for our children and for our sick friends and relatives? So wrong and un-American.

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[deleted - worng spot]

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The UK is flying in 150,000 workers from Eastern Europe because the three million unemployed Brits don't actually want the jobs that Eastern Europeans were doing before Brexit. Because they were low paid and hard work.

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"the usual rightwing idiots lost their shit over the outrageous waste of Our Tax Money"

Nazis gonna Nazi.

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It's actually really disgusting to see people rant and rave against it. We live in San Diego, so we have a special relationship with Mexico/Mexicans. And acquaintances WENT OFF today, saying if we thought this was okay then we should hand over our stimulus checks, that "real" Americans are going hungry because of this. It was just ugly.

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If you aren't on the right, you aren't people. Jesus applauds. /s

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What are they even saying about the disproportionate health outcomes for the VERY FUCKING PEOPLE THEY CAME ARE BEING EXPLOITED?

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I'm sure you're right. I mean, who remembers what even happened two weeks ago?

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Dang, dude can do that level of hair and costume without leaving the house? Boy got mad skillz, yo

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These sick fucks do not give a damn how many CHILDREN die as long as they are making $$$.

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