🤣🤣🤣 at "Wingnutistan"! So, back when Newsom was mayor of SF, Kim was actually a very celebrated attorney. She took on a few cases that fought for the little people and most residents liked her more than Newsom. At that time, we called him the "playboy mayor" because he seemed more concerned about which fashion model he would take to social events than actual governing. Basically, he acted like he was another Leonardo DiCaprio. It seemed he married Kim to gain more credibility/likability at that time to advance his own career. Then things got weird... It was no secret that they partied too much and I think Kim developed a major substance abuse problem that eventually tanked her career and marriage. I kind of felt bad for her until she went darkside at Fox News and then latched onto Junior. Unfortunately, she's now lost forever.

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Didn't you know pants shrink when left in the closet?

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the possibilities are endless, but i like the idea that he bequeaths every last cent to the purchase of every picture of himself that ever existed, which he then gives to one of his "charities".

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Here in Ridgecrest there are still a number of Trump flags on flagpoles in the middle/middle class neighborhoods and the Trump merch guy was often on the main drag until the shutdown.

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Future President Newsome.............

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Well of COURSE Wells Fargo isn't going to let up on collecting student loans. They need the money. Those "we stole from you before but honest we swear we won't do it again" TV commercials won't pay for themselves.

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What I think of is, "Hey Don, Jr. - how do you like knowing a real man like Gavin Newsome came before you? I mean, LITERALLY came before you?"

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We started using Skype for Business about two years ago, when we started contracting out some non-trivial side projects. It was not without issues, but it was leaps and bounds ahead of our previous paradigm (a mix of Polycom for 1:1 videoconference between sites, dialing rooms direct for 1:1 phone, having everyone call a conference service for n:n phone, and using GoToMeeting for screen-sharing). We moved to Teams last year, and it has been a further improvement for videoconferencing. (We also shut down our IRC server in favor of Teams for chat and messaging, which I am less in love with... :-S)

The nature of our work means the vast majority of us can work remotely, and most of us have periodically, so this situation hasn't been completely novel for us. What is new is (almost) everyone doing it, and doing it continually.

In early March, we scheduled the 16th to be a "work-from-home trial-run", to see how infrastructure handled everyone being remote; we were supposed to return to work the next day... and then the Bay Area went into stay-at-home that night. There wasn't a SAH order covering Pittsburgh at that point, but our management decided, since no issues were found, to just tell everyone at both offices to WFH until further notice. So far, so good.

White-collar workers in the first world have lucked out tremendously. Even five years ago, the software and bandwidth for what we're doing now, simply didn't exist.

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Yeah. WA governor Inslee is similar. I've watched his press conferences a few times just to calm my nerves. He's so rational and calm and reassuring. But then probably anybody would sound sane compared to Prezident Inject Disinfectant.

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True of NY State as well but they just don't have the numbers to compete on a State level.

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I'm thinking they then get a message from Putin that he's collecting on what is still owed to him.

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They were just being sarcastic.

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Kimberly is still waiting for Jr to come. I mean after it all starts.

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Consumer Reports praised the agreement as a good first step...

What did Greedbag Trump Taint Slobberers Reports say about it?

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We'd accuse Newsom of just trying to get us to move to California so we could vote for him, but since I grew up in two states that border California, I'm still not over my ingrained anti-California bias. Establish universal basic income, or healthcare or both, and we'll talk, Gavin.I grew up in Colorado in the 70s and 80s so I know about ingrained anti CA bias, but then I moved here in the 90s and never looked back. is it expensive? yes, but as we're all finding out, you get what you pay for. and we're working on healthcare, we got close but were foiled by 1 vote.

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That and Russian and Chinese investors. Oh, and money laundering through REITS and other "investments."

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