Big brass ones.

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Speaking of Nashville and <a href="https:\/\/www.flickr.com\/photos\/envyr\/2354430363\/in\/gallery-48698773@N00-72157627684347818\/" target="_blank">Batman</a>

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I happen to be straight, but I would consider switching teams for him. Just sayin' ....

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Hole-y owned subsidiary?

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I remember when the heterosexuals recruited me into their lifestyle.

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I understand that he wasn't recruited outfit the ghey lifestyle for his sense of fashion.

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In the other hand, President Ebert.

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...without any bathing or anointing? My you are in a hurry.

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The candidate guy is adorable but the So-Shall-I Guy has my vote.

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speaking as a many year veteran of many stages large and small, this looks pretty high quality and i would like to be in it if i could at all sing.

however, emerson needs to step away from the airbrush.

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also: this fellow could toast joan rivers.

and joan rivers should be toasted.

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