I bet it's not even real chocolate. I bet it's carob.

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To be fair, he's vastly outnumbered by sane and decent people.

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Another example of extreme reactionary fascist who's willing to break tradition in a way that brings disrepute to the office of a judge. These reactionary moves: the idiot who yelled "You Lie" during the president's address; the reactionary invitation to the war criminal Netanyahu to give a speech in Congress trying to undermine the president's lawful negotiations with Iran; the letter of the treasonous legislators going over the head of the president who was faithfully discharging the duties of his office. These and many more are a direct attack on the executive branch that is tantamount to open insurrection against the constitutional office of President.

This isn't just a disrespectful game of partisan politics, this is the early signs of a right wing assault on the government. Worse, the progenitor of these attacks, The Tea Party, is rapidly moving to cleanse itself of any moderates who could be partners in the governing process. Make no mistake: This concerted assault on our government is well financed by the likes of the Koch Bros. and the reactionary buffoon, Sheldon Adelson. With the wild-eyed gun fanatics toting their weapons into every nook and cranny of public life the right wing wants to intimidate the rest of us. If you think otherwise, watch the onslaught of the gunners to this post.

Btw, gunsters, I've heard them all before, so post away, I'll not be reading or responding to any one of your twisted screeds about your precious rights. Especially as you don't respect the rights of the rest of us to go about our daily lives without the presence of instruments of mayhem and harm now forced into every area of our lives.

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They are that dumb, and they think we are, too.

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Mmmmmm-rubbing my hands together with evil glee---bring out the rent boys!

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Fellow wonketeers---time to trot out the famous and hilarious "letter to Dr. Laura."Some of you may be too young to know of it, but it can be used to great effect when sent to pinheads like Judge Moore, or your pesky emailin' cousins from Down South. Enjoy!


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.....ain't no Fool like an Alabama fool........

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Justice Roy should team up with Vlad Putin and a bunch of people whose skin color would get them summarily executed or at least beaten into paralysis if they tried to walk down a streets of the judge's state, to kill gay marriage rights around the world. Putin presented a resolution to cancel benefits for the gay partners of UN staff members, and united his fellow third world countries behind him. He lost. I sense an opportunity for a bromance here.

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Personally I'm usually reduced to happy noises for at least a half hour.

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Hmm... my to-be-fiance' makes those. But then, she's an ex-Methodist Lutheran and I don't think they have any particular rules about arthropods.

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I think he's been lookin' at it in his rear view* mirror for a while now.

* heh... rear view...

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One rarely sees bullet holes in wannabe martyrs. Funny, that.

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Right up till the second the crown goes on his head. Then he'll flip-flop faster than a busload of Florida seniors going to Sunday brunch in July.

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Looking forward to being at SCOTUS on April 28 to see the morons like this guy. I will be bringing a crocheted lobster- Leviticus says anything in the ocean without fins or scales is an abomination. I'd bring my friend in my photo but she doesn't really work for marriage equality.

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This majesty of Heaven says marriage equality is A-OK! R'amen

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