What would crazy bigot who tries to push his absurd superstitions on others know about making American great or good.

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Also, too; typos and only a single space after that first full stop.

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Come on guys. Give the man a break. Don't you know how hard it was to be a white, male, conservative, anti-gay nutjob from January 2009 to January 2017? They were as persecuted by Obama as the rich people were.

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He does look uncomfortable without it.

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Roy Moore is one of the things I point to when someone accuses me of only hating Alabama because of college football.

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No, no, that's garbanzophobia, isn't it?

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He tried to run for governor about 11ish years ago. Didn't make it past the primaries.

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I concur. I live in that city.

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Alabamans are like abuse victims who left strict but loving parents to run off with some asshole: they will keep going back to their abusers until they reach that breaking point when they overcome their fear of what their authority figures would do if they didn't capitulate.

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I've had the vaccine for garbanzophobia.

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I don't think we should over think this. They are just stupid and and have no moral or ethical rudder. The philosophy they would use for guidance was shabby 2000 years ago and it has not any better today. The best among them are little more than junk yard dogs.

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Of course it is. But you say "due to society's intolerance" when it is "due to homophobes' intolerance." I'm fine with it, so are you, and so are most decent people. It's not "society," it's the gay-haters. The gay-haters who are making a choice to suppress their natural inclinations, then become furious at those who don't, or, are using gay-hate as a "cover," are the ones who are the problem, not society. The only thing I will say is that there are gay-haters who have the misfortune to be raised in some vile church, absorb the teaching, and think themselves to be "abominations," and I feel terribly sorry for them. Again, though, it is the church, which itself is led by gay-haters (who themselves are often closet gays), who is it at fault in those cases.

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When do all the stoopid people get to have their own planet to relocate to? Is there a dumbo-rapture coming for fine folks like Moore? These questions do not keep me up at night and neither do the crazy answers I come up with.

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...well. There is JT...just sayin...

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Tell that to Benedict Cumberbatch, who kept insisting that he was not Mr. Strange, but DOCTOR Strange. Horrible soundtrack ruined what could have been a fun movie.

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