And a better command of English.

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We've got just the guy. His name is Rapert. He's got it all, the Evangelical hair, the crotch beard, the rampant bigotry, he's a stunner...


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Yeah! They are about as bright as a Temperance Society that hires a skid row wino as their spokesperson.

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Strange. The mooses with antlers are usually male. Does his fur look rainbow hued in a certain light?

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Well, the liberal media did copy and paste her direct comment/announcement. It's awful how they twist things.

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One is the baby. One is the niece. And one is the animatronic baby from American Sniper. But which?

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And the Holly Spirit came on Bristle and she was with child.

Bad God! Bad God!

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Gorillas are generally too gentle to be Republicans.

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Well, I was a hippie. Heck, I probably still am one. Problem is, once I commemorated my 30th birthday, I quit trusting me. Now i'm so alienated from myself, and all my memories, I'm practically senile.

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We've simply GOT to take that PhotoShop away from The Creator.

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And may those diapers always land sunny side up when you drop them on the floor.

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Just make sure that those two can't reproduce.

Would you like to live in a world which contains a passel of Coulter-Palin brats?

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That all the Palins have in abundance.

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The wingnuts were right! We shall now have to legalize inter-species unions.

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My Midsummer Night's Wish is that Bristle gets her wish and drowns in oceans and oceans of privacy.

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There's nothing worse than to have your words quoted verbatin, when they sound so much better while they spin in your head.

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