Looking to add some uniqueness to your holiday decor? Check out https://spartanslots.co/ for a wide selection of quirky and fun items like Gay Nutcrackers and Disabled Black Santas!

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I come here for the dick jokes. Also, i found anoher site with gay jokes... https://leotoystore.com/collections/trampoline

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How could Fox forget the vile people who dare to say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas, or has that awful sin been forgotten?

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so basically, she's missed the point that it is possible to represent Santa to non-white, disabled people, and that gay people may also celebrate Christmas. why is it that they can't stand to see anyone who isn't a reflection of their personal world view represented in anything? white fragility can't be the only reason.

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What is the collective noun for nnarcissists? A herd? A pack? Maybe a murder.

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a mirror?

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Seriously, let them keep going with this ridiculousness. Let them get themselves into a freaking frenzy especially before the next election because between this bs and abortion bans that lead to women dying because they can't be treated after a miscarriage,the republicans will start losing location elections as well as national ones.

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Trump tried to withdraw our troops from Germany. But GAY NUTCRACKER! Now that's a threat.

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Are those black Santa's Megyn Kelly approved??

BTW: Is it pronounced Me Gyn??

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Meh. Gin?

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It gets worse: I hear they're planning on adding a disabled character to A Christmas Carol.

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Santa in a wheelchair, how will he ever fit down chimneys? I doubt there are any ADA-approved chimneys. Take that you liberal wackjobs!

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The Bud Light thing will for me always represent the perfect snapshot of petty conservative grievance. A single promotional can of beer. Bud Light obviously fucked up badly by backing down and apologizing, which only cemented the importance of the “issue” in winger brains. When Nike partnered with Colin Kapernick, they stood their ground by saying they stand for equality and against racism or police brutality. If anyone wanted to attack them by promoting racism or violence, Nike wasn’t being bullied. I’m convinced Bud Light would have emerged mostly unscathed had they done the same. “Bud Light stands for equality, and accepting all kinds of people. We will continue to celebrate the many colorful individuals in our great country and around the world.” Let the petty people be petty. But when they appeared cowed, firing the people responsible for the promotion, it emboldened the bigots. Bigots feel shame when they look around and the vast majority of people aren’t supporting them. They move on when their goal of hurting a person or company for acknowledging someone different fails to have any effect. They scolded Bud Light for embracing an LGBTQ+ TikTok personality and Bud Light HEARD them, acknowledged them, and apologized to them. That was a mistake that cost them and their employees and families millions. Because the bigots didn’t forgive them, they simply enjoyed the feeling of having succeeded. Bud Light didn’t make a mistake in creating the promotion, their mistake was failing to defend the principles that should be undeniable. Now, bigots think twice about buying the beer, and I think twice because they didn’t defend Mulvaney or the principles of equality and acceptance.

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I have had a black Santa as our tree topper for years. It hasn’t ruined a single holiday yet, nor has it managed to offend any of our guests. I need to hit Target to stock up on more weapons of war. I’ll never take down Christmas with a single black Santa.

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David Sedaris- "Six to Eight Black Men"; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIXscGcdGyk

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I prefer the biblical Santa. I think he's somewhere near the back, just before the bit which says...

"The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred."

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The War on Christmas is not doing so well. This year, my local supermarket started selling Christmas tchotchkes a week before Halloween.

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What is destroying/has destroyed Christmas is the merchandising of it. It's all about money and materialism--not exactly Christian in nature, at least not as Jesus practiced it. It actually destroys spirituality wherever it encounters it. I'm an atheist, by the way, and don't pay much attention to religious beliefs, but even I'm offended by what's been done to Christmas.

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They'd sucked the value out of Christmas long long ago. Now, they're just dragging out a corpse to prop up every year.

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They seem to have sucked the value out of Christianity at this point. I'm an atheist, but I respect other people's religious beliefs when they're private and sincere and they act according to those beliefs. I do think that organized religion is almost always more political than religious.

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A profitable corpse, though.

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Ta, Gary. These Foxites are insane.

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The War on Thanksgiving isn't even over yet and we're already doing the Xmas War Thing?

At least let me buy some War on Thanksgiving cards before they disappear!

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