Aspertions? Aspirations? Acetominophen?

Ah, hell, he just pulled it out of his asparagus.

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Not often enough?

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Public employees have to implement legal codes and regulations that are relevant to their jobs whether they like it or not. It's the reason why why they are employed. No hedging -- you either do the job or you're out.

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That does it. I can feel this gay marriage thing practically ripping the Bachmanns' fabulous, sturdy marriage asunder!

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA don't be ridiculous!

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Mix 'n Match them. That's what the wingnuts do to save time.

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Emo Punk Band: panty wadded angst

(lowercase like e e cummings also too)

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Yes, but the matching ones on their shoes are a little over the top.

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That is absolutely disgusting, who would want to see that!

I wouldn't mind reading about it though.

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I sure hope all the GOP senators, when questioned about this, start off their denialist statements with phrases like "I'm no homosexual, but ..."

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This refusal is SO unfair to people who can't mind their own freakin' business!

Thanks NObama!! Inpeach!

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"choke down a corndog"

Is that....code?

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Gays aren't American citizens, any more than atheists are. Everybody knows that, except those activist federal judges.

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Wait a minute...atheists can get married?

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Obviously this is all Obama's fault!

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Probably, because Old Handsome Joe is also all Obama's fault. Thanks, Obama!

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