See, this. I work in a job which pays me money and allows me to be a force for good in the universe. However, my supervisor is a nightmare to work for and has created a toxic work environment by bullying, scapegoating, deflecting, blame-shifting, etc. But I come here before I go there, and it fortifies me to know that there are people like you and the rest of the Wonks in the world. You make septuagenarianing look like something to look forward to.
"Okay, kids, are you ready for your broccoli?""Are you ready to get out of bed, shovel out your car, and go to work?" "So, are you ready for your emergency appendectomy?""The court will come to order. Are you ready for your divorce?" Answer: hell to the no! And yet you do it anyway, because if you don't, this shit is not going to get better. Given free rein to all of our basest impulses, many of us would eat chocolate and ice cream for breakfast and bury the ex in the backyard, but we don't because we know that the difficult thing to do is the right thing and will lead us to a state of tolerable grace. We are standing at a crossroads here, such as the world has never seen. We are crashing into a major extinction event, and nuclear bombs are in the hands of madmen and blundering idiots. It is time to fucking get ready or we lose everything.
Yikes! I missed that; what happened?! 😢
(Is it weird that I still have the final two episodes, un-watched, on my DVR? I keep putting off watching...)
Only one is a color that exists in nature.
Trump will never hug a crying person, unless maybe while campaigning. He finds them disgusting and germy, not to mention emotionally crippled.
Thank you!
*hugs for Wonketeers!*
When you're marching lockstep, anyone who can clap on the downbeat is considered to be "in disarray".
Thanks so much, Dok Zoom!
Who knows? Maybe never. I suspect the elected, all-Republican Texas Supreme Court is as likely to dismiss the whole thing as not. :/
He likes people who don't get caught. Maybe because not getting caught is his highest and best aspiration.
I typo'd trumb once, and stuck with it.
See, this. I work in a job which pays me money and allows me to be a force for good in the universe. However, my supervisor is a nightmare to work for and has created a toxic work environment by bullying, scapegoating, deflecting, blame-shifting, etc. But I come here before I go there, and it fortifies me to know that there are people like you and the rest of the Wonks in the world. You make septuagenarianing look like something to look forward to.
"Okay, kids, are you ready for your broccoli?""Are you ready to get out of bed, shovel out your car, and go to work?" "So, are you ready for your emergency appendectomy?""The court will come to order. Are you ready for your divorce?" Answer: hell to the no! And yet you do it anyway, because if you don't, this shit is not going to get better. Given free rein to all of our basest impulses, many of us would eat chocolate and ice cream for breakfast and bury the ex in the backyard, but we don't because we know that the difficult thing to do is the right thing and will lead us to a state of tolerable grace. We are standing at a crossroads here, such as the world has never seen. We are crashing into a major extinction event, and nuclear bombs are in the hands of madmen and blundering idiots. It is time to fucking get ready or we lose everything.
Nope. They tie themselves together like a bundle of sticks. What are those called .... fasces? fasces def'n on the Wikithang
It it weird that I have the first and last episodes on my DVR, watched, but still saving them?