His real first name is Marion.

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Between Robertson and Pope "<a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2013\/07\/30\/world\/europe\/pope-francis-gay-priests.html" target="_blank">Who am I to judge?</a>" Francis, there must be a million exploding heads in Jeebustan today.

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Points for the Illuminatus reference.

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Everything is Everything.

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So let me get this straight "no pun meant" is judgey ol Pat saying that babby jeebus's daddy might have messed up and put a he in a she body and visey versy,are we sure this is the same fellow what thinks the wind blows real hard because gheys might marry and that makes jeebus's daddy sad so he has to get the happyz by destroyin a whole lot of stuff even non gheys.Somethin not right here that satan fellow has done gone and entered ol pats body like he did to that other snake in the byebell

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Only possible explanation.

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Wow. Are dogs and cats living together?

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Lemme see if I get it:

Mutilating and/or completely removing the genitalia that God gave you: Okie Dokie

Using the genitalia that God gave you for their intended purpose: SIN! HELLFIRE!

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Is Pat short for Patrick or Patricia?

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