Fundamentalist Christians sure have it tough these days, and if you were listening to hate group leader Tony Perkins's radio programme the other day -- which of course you were -- you learned that the LGBTs (it's pronounced "legbots") have opened a new front in the battle for worldwide gayness, by sneaking right into unsuspecting wingnuts' Facebook news feeds and
<i> &ldquo;Jesus said that we are to pray for our enemies, for those who persecute us, that would be those who mock and ridicule us, absolutely we should pray for them.&rdquo;</i>
&quot;For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.&quot;
You know who else shoved things in people&#039;s faces?
That&#039;s it, blame it on the Singularity.
Arm the Legbots!
Let&#039;s Go Blaze These (bad boys).
<i> &ldquo;Jesus said that we are to pray for our enemies, for those who persecute us, that would be those who mock and ridicule us, absolutely we should pray for them.&rdquo;</i>
&quot;For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.&quot;
Matthew 24:24
Funny, naked people don&#039;t show up on my Facebook feed. Am I doing something wrong?
As if anybody needed another reason to get off Facebook...Now the xtianists have found out about it.
<i>his wife caught him so he had to call Tony Perkins and feign outrage. </i>
Does that work?
Asking for a friend who isn&#039;t weird at all I swear.
I don&#039;t know - let&#039;s scramble the lads and find out.
The mind sees what it wants to see.
Here&#039;s a plate of rat dicks.
It&#039;s not what&#039;s thrown in your face, it&#039;s what&#039;s rammed down your throat.
Wonkette is nothing if not a service blog.