I'm not married. Does that mean I'm quoting Groucho Marx?

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In context, particularly Round Up ready cornhole.

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Apparently, the person who answers to that name.

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They're prettier, they're popular (among the young and un-bigoted), and some of them are famous. What more rights do you people want?

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Anything other than missionary through a hole in a sheet (and that the female does NOT enjoy) is sodomy to these idiots.

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"Even deists, such as Thomas Jefferson"

Sodomize this ass clown. Thomas Jefferson is only a deist until you fuckyards need him to be a Christian.

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"Wearing black robes does not give judges the justification to repeal an election."

But reading your twaddle is enough to repeal an erection. I'm going to stop reading now.

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I wouldn't be in the least surprised if the answer were "in Florida, wearing a Brooks Brothers suit, looking rowdy for the cameras"

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<blockquote>Marriage is not a right</blockquote>

Excuse me sir, the <em>Loving vs. Virginia</em> ruling is on line 3, it says it has a factual disagreement with your bigoted nonsense.

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"If five Supreme Court justices can reverse Proposition 8, then popular elections will be rendered meaningless."

Hi there, Jeff. Welcome to 5th grade civics class, courtesy of Wikipedia:

"The federal government is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive and judicial, which powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, respectively; the powers and duties of these branches are further defined by acts of Congress, including the creation of executive departments and courts inferior to the Supreme Court."

Yes, there will be a final exam, but unfortunately the only people who are required to pass it are immigrants seeking to become citizens. The nitwits who are born citizens just learn to chant "USA! USA!" during halftime instead.

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as some of you will remember, i stood up in my bff's (male to male) wedding last year (ny). more goddamn money than i've spent in 10 years.

seriously, it's a gold mine waiting to happen and the wingnuts are yet again on the wrong side of history.

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And shag carpeting, and a naugahyde recliner.

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<i>What's changed since then? </i>

Hmm ... lemme think. . . . [strokes goatee] . . . Nope, can't think of anything.

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Shorter Kuhner: Help, help, we're not being oppressed!

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Benjamin Franklin, on the other hand, was totally pro-sodomy, especially with young French whores.

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