Family tree with roots deep, deep in manure.

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People who take stock advice from Jim Cramer probably deserve whatever happens to them.

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I do not think it is parody. I think it's Trump's America, 2022.

Makes me fucking sick.

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EXACTLY! They're CHOOSING to be ignorant. Not to be informed. Remain in the cult.

".....We've gone this far. If we go back we'll look stupid."


All of them, Katie.

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Also, contrary to rumor, the Business Cycle Dating Committee does not actually pair up lonely academic economists with horny hedge fund managers.

It was worth a try, Dok. It was worth a try.

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Not that I expect that Dems to do something smart, but they should go up, coast to coast, with a "Morning in America" ad:

"Under the leadership of President Biden and the Democratic congress, we have seen the impact of the pandemic start to fade away and our economy get stronger. It is truly Morning in America again."

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there were already republican because only republicans have the necessary gullibility to fall for a grift as transparent as Cramer

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Was just over on Krugman. He pointed out that, whoops, doesn't look like recession after all (please keep the hate mail down). Also, that Republicans keep howling about inflation, but he points out that - surprise! - they don't have any plan to deal with that. Other than tax cuts and cutting SS, Medicare, etc.

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Correct. Mr Somesay is fearing there's a recession.

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NPR = Nice Polite Republicans

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Bikes, huh? Anarchy the Pony is digging the nation out of this hole pretty much by himself! Get on that bike and RIDE!

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(redacted bc I made a similar Peter Thiel joke to the one below)

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The media won't give it up. It's like they must have inflation AND recession in order for their prepacked news script to be working. Yes we have inflation but it's not THAT big and for fucks sake we DO NOT have a recession going on. In college economics I learned the shorthand definition was a decline in real GNP for two consecutive quarters." Am I wrong? Where is the decline in GNP?

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You know what they say - you can lay all the economists in the world end-to-end and they still wouldn't reach a conclusion.

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Thanks for the h2g2 reference, Dok!

Share and enjoy, indeed!https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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