ah non expansion red state. i am so sorry. just a quick follow up: i believe there are some folks who qualify for medicaid in non expansion states: those between 100-138% of the FPL (in IL where i am that's like 1000-1387/month). also, we've always been told to apply for medicaid even if you're pretty sure you'll get rejected.

this all makes me so angry.

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Thank you very much for the offer. We've looked into it. He doesn't qualify for Obamacare because he doesn't make enough, and he doesn't qualify for Medicaid in Texas because he makes too much, so he's one of those stuck in a gap. On the upside, his condition is chronic, so absent flare-ups we should be able to handle it for a while until, hopefully, some health care solution for folks in his shoes comes through.

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I smell a sitcom.

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Republicans-- What's not to like?

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everyone should be insurable this year and thru (probably) 2020. pre existing conditions don't exist on obamacare right now. does your 26 year old have insurance? i'm a navigator and can help. contact doc for my personal info.

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40 years ago you could buy health insurance that covered a pre-existing condition - but the pre-existing condition was excluded for 2 years. I know, because I bought such a plan that excluded hernias even though as it turned out I didn't have a hernia, the hernia was a mis-diagnosis by a stupid doctor in an E.R. I actually had IBS, which was covered.

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anyone who picks her as their doctor deserves a Darwin Award

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Sometimes if your child is disabled, you can get an exception from the insurance company and keep him on your plan indefinetly. Please speak with your firendly neighborhood HR person. Bring cookies. We can all be bought with baked goods.

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You get an American Flag Coloring Kit (actual kit includes crayons - don't fuck it up like Trump did) and a link to Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American" on youtube. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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First step is to issue RICO Act indictments stripping them of every cent and then they get put on Trump Care. Terminal poverty and Trump Care for Republicans; sweet sounding isn't it.

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With Trumpcare, you get the sense of comfort that comes from making regular payments to the insurance companies, with hardly any of those pesky benefits!

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I'd certainly want my doctor to trivialize cancer. Jesus fucking Christ.

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Oh great, and here I just admitted to suffering from anxiety and depression on a medical questionnaire last week. Gonna be a lot of anxiety attacks after the GOP murders pre-existing condition protections, and I find out they'll no longer treat me for anything related to anxiety attacks.

(Also Diabetes, since I was foolishly honest about family history and all. Thanks, Trumpcare!)

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Does this new bill suggestion of theirs make it really awesome, and mean that any time you switch insurance carriers you get slapped by the pre-existing conditions, or are they still hiding behind that false bullshit curtain of "continued coverage"?

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Hope you had a happy birthday, Miles. You picked great parents - good on ya!

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A modest proposal that is also a final solution.

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