Last week, the Secretary of State of Kansas and vice-chairman of Donald Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, Kris Kobach, penned a snide little article for Dead Breitbart in which he claimed to have finally hit pay dirt on his quest for said voter fraud.
While I knee-jerk agree with you, forcing uninterested & unengaged citizens to vote is more likely to result in another Trump. The forced votes will go to the candidate that entertains them more or makes them feel better about themselves. Mandatory voting alone will not result in better elections.
I did much the same several times replying to the apoplectic RW writers of letters to the editor in my local daily, 'til one of them took to screaming insults and threats at me in my house from the sidewalk. Thrilling and a little too scary.One of your responders said you were too grammatical, no misspellings. Good point: deranged thought seems to be enabled by debased language (or vice versa), as exemplified by the PeeResident himself, whom I also call the Strumpet. Solipsism plus solecisms equal weaponized inanity!
RepubliKKKlans believe college students should only vote in the state district where they are from ( or not at all.) RepubliKKKlan voter suppression against ALL Americans that historically vote Democrat has been rampant in Red states, like Texas, for years. Laws have been passed against college students, minorities, poor who dont own a car, Seniors who don't drive or don't have a birth certificate any more and women whose name changed due to marriage/divorce, making it harder for these groups to vote. They know they can't win honestly, the numbers are against them. So RepubliKKKlans change the rules to mame it harder for people to vote.
Perhaps the Repubs are starting to remember that saying by the most intelligent, and articulate conservative President in history? How did it go? Something about, "fool me once, I'm just a fool for love"?
While I knee-jerk agree with you, forcing uninterested & unengaged citizens to vote is more likely to result in another Trump. The forced votes will go to the candidate that entertains them more or makes them feel better about themselves. Mandatory voting alone will not result in better elections.
That wouldn't be a fighting flaming carrot, would it?
That is great!
Liberals are NOT selling out this country to the Russians.Your conspiracies turn out to be crap.
Loved his book by the same name!
I did much the same several times replying to the apoplectic RW writers of letters to the editor in my local daily, 'til one of them took to screaming insults and threats at me in my house from the sidewalk. Thrilling and a little too scary.One of your responders said you were too grammatical, no misspellings. Good point: deranged thought seems to be enabled by debased language (or vice versa), as exemplified by the PeeResident himself, whom I also call the Strumpet. Solipsism plus solecisms equal weaponized inanity!
"…paranoid Republican from Kansas…"
Someone please alert the Department of Redundancy Department.
"I paid my four bits to see the high-lying act and I'm a-gonna see the high-lying act."
Well, there's that…
Trix needs to schedule a drinkything near wherever Michael Smith hangs his ironic MAGA hat so we can all kiss and make up.
RepubliKKKlans believe college students should only vote in the state district where they are from ( or not at all.) RepubliKKKlan voter suppression against ALL Americans that historically vote Democrat has been rampant in Red states, like Texas, for years. Laws have been passed against college students, minorities, poor who dont own a car, Seniors who don't drive or don't have a birth certificate any more and women whose name changed due to marriage/divorce, making it harder for these groups to vote. They know they can't win honestly, the numbers are against them. So RepubliKKKlans change the rules to mame it harder for people to vote.
authoritarian narratives don't need to be based on reality. Its more simple that way and requires less thought.
It's an easily-imagined idealized alternative reality. "Vote for me and it's your's."
You can never have too many umlauts.
Perhaps the Repubs are starting to remember that saying by the most intelligent, and articulate conservative President in history? How did it go? Something about, "fool me once, I'm just a fool for love"?
Brian Wilson?