
Why suh, ah do believe ah've got a case of the vapors!

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I win. Enjoy your shitty little online life. Hashtag jokes and ad hominems are the last refuge of the obviously bested. It's been fun. I haven't beat up on an online moron in ages, and I'm particularly proud of this one.

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Exactly! I think that's what roused such anger at this spectacle. I don't want people like this on my team. We're better than that.

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I'm not disputing that this was ugly and wrong. I am, however, disputing that it indicates that the entire DNC and the entire primary process was unequal or unfair or corrupt to the core.

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The suggestion that Marshall made was ugly and wrong and stupid, and I'd have canned his ass, but one swallow does not a summer make. A stupid idea doesn't mean the whole party was corrupt and the whole primary was unfair.

Get some damned perspective.

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Agreed. As a Sanders supporter I am embarrassed and angered by the wacko conspiracy theorist BernieBros who believe that he would have won the primary if it weren't for the shenanigans. That's nonsense. Clinton got more votes because more people supported her. Period.

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I never said it was. I voted for Clinton. On Super Tuesday when the result was in doubt. Voted early, actually, when it was REALLY in doubt. In no way do I think that Bernie was robbed. He lost because you have to poll better with people of color than he did to win a national Dem primary.

However, with not a lot personally on this fight (I love him but found him unelectable so I tepidly voted for a squishy moderate who runs great campaigns because the Supreme Court matters too much), it seems obvious to me that what probably happened behind the scenes, from the tiny look-in we got via email, is that they tried to put their thumbs on scales as much as they could without getting caught overtly over the line, and that the suggestion that we should assume they did nothing wrong beyond what we saw in the emails is silly. I mean we're talking about the CFO and CEO of the DNC. These are the tone setters. I was born at night, but not last night.

What has me so upset is the intent to prey upon widespread bigotry against atheist Americans, and the fact that Marshall and Dacey haven't been fired for it. If they had sought to use bigotry against people of color, immigrants, women, Muslims, the LGBT community, etc. for this purpose, they'd have been out on their ears in 10 seconds. I feel like they should acknowledge the widespread bias against atheists and non-believers as a worthy problem by treating us like those other groups.

My criticism has nothing to do with the pro-Bernie crowd. As I've said elsewhere, a major national atheist group, totally unaffiliated with Bernie, has called for their ouster, And it's a call that should be heeded, because it costs almost nothing to the DNC/HRC campaign, but would mean everything to us. It would be the most public acknowledgement in my lifetime that bigotry against atheists exists and matters.

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Fair enough...and sorry I jumped to conclusions. I've been bombarded with "one snarky email means we have to do everything over again because Berrrrrrniiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee."

You do make a good point about the bias against non-believers and atheists being acceptable when other forms of bias are not, and I hadn't considered it from that point of view.

I do take some consolation from the fact that although I'm sure it occurred to more than just this nitwit, the strategy of trying to slam him for his religious position was not implemented.

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I see that the writer uses "bigly," an apparent reference to Trump. I'm pretty sure Trump said "big league," not "bigly."

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"You, sir, are a troglodyte. I am confident that anyone who reads this sees the truth."


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The "most distressing" is that Hillary people couldn't plot against Jewish atheists in secret?

Hillary people are so awful. The silver lining to Trump's victory is all the awful disappointed Hillary lost.

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Mainly because of Hillary and her people.

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LOL, so is Hillary, and you still smell her aged cunt as if it was roses.

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Nobody cares about caucuses. Bernie thrashed Hillary in the West even in states that don't use it. Quit trying to create false equivalency.

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Took you 4 months to think of that? You ain't too bright, are you?

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