Remember in one of the televised debates where he was asked a question and refused to answer saying something like "I want to talk about what I want to talk about"? CEOs, like four star generals and Supreme Court justices, are only capable of working in a very high echelon environment where their pronouncements are holy writ. He'd make an awesome dictator but isn't really programmed for democracy.

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Anyone who suggests privatization as a solution to the tragedy of the commons <em>really</em> really hasn't even begun to grasp the concept of non-excludability.

That basic failure of comprehension has also always bugged my about libertarians. I always kind of assumed that most of them were too unsophisticated to even consider it, but to discover that many have thought about it and failed so utterly to understand it lowers my regard for their intellectual development still further, hard as I thought that would be to achieve.

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I'd pay money to see that.

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Obscene but not heard.

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I cold-cocked mine with Jane Eyre. Good times, good times.

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I've got him booked for the evening of October 3rd.

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What's really fun is getting that attitude from the (vice)principal's daughter in your first year of teaching.

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Burton Cummings. TOTAL dick.

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I am marking grade 11 university-destination essays right now. I am really not looking forward to parent/teacher's night.

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Then he must really be ignoring the input of his paid professional staffers, because otherwise they're displaying unprecedented incompetence or treachery.

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♫ Mama we're all crazy now ♪

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Maybe "month" is now a synonym for "campaign".

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It's a similar phenomenon to that which allows the teapartiers to say we have the best healthcare in the world.

The best hospitals in the world <em>are</em> in the US, but the system as a whole is very far from the best by any comprehensive measure.

The best education in the world is also available in the US - to whose who can afford it.

Think for a moment, though, about the consequences of using property taxes to supply the majority of funding for primary and secondary education. People with low incomes tend to live in low-income areas, and therefore have underfunded schools. This suits those in power, so they have kept it that way.

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What he <em>really</em> needs is an epic, James Dobson-approved, electoral leather belt thrashing.

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I'm thinking he is unclear on how the process works, exactly. Cripes, this sounds more like a train wreck than a campaign.

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The important geek test is not how many times you've <em>seen</em> LOTR, it's how many times you've <em>read</em> it... and more importantly, how readily you can quote appropriate passages of <em>The Silmarillion</em> to explain the world of LOTR.

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