If Jeb! is elected, it would be Bush 41, 43, and 45. They're all odd.

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<i>because Bush remembers a time when he was not allowed to get away with saying whatever the hell he wanted, truth and/or compassion be damned </i>

I'm pretty sure what he means by 'not allowed' and 'pushback' is that way back when, if some uppity WH press reporter asked Poppy about his 12 year long affair with a staffer employed by the WH, the President was totally able to squash said reporter and deny access to the media outlet where he worked until they replaced him with someone who would never ever be allowed to say nasty things about Poppy again.

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Skippy McDumbAss was always my favorite.

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<em>In the older days — I hate to be one of these guys who talk about the old days — you’re able to do that yourself, by the way — people were held to account for what they said. In other words, there was a pushback.</em>

You mean like that whisper campaign you did in South Carolina about how John McCain had a black child out of wedlock? The one that somehow your campaign was never behind but it miraculously allowed you to crush McCain like a gnat?

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Just like Queen Elizabeth II.

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You know, all I want from my crystal ball is this week's Lotto numbers and I keep getting "The Destroyer Is Manifest".

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It's the default, if the Democratic base does nothing.

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Dumbfuck judges Dumbfuck agency appointments Iraq Afghanistan 9/11

What else did Dumbya do for us?

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William Cowper said it best: "A self-made man, and one who worships his creator."

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That's because she has to sleep with Mitch McConnell.

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The Bushes remind me of the Abraham Lincoln quote, "People who like this kind of thing will find this the kind of thing that they like." In other words, if Jeb is the candidate, he will have 48% of the vote right out of the starting gate. <looking under sofa for bottle of bourbon hidden there since January 2009>

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