The smell...

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And markets didn't care.

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Hill is an embarrassment? HILL is an embarrassment????? My God, coffee boy, you have more nerve than your orange former boss if you even THINK that!! I bet there are worse vids of you out there and we won't have to get an ex GF to find them...

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That popolapdaposnuffleupagasss is one greasy creep. With all that money you think he’d clean up better.

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That’s creepy wrong.

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Katie Hill's STBX should be strung up by whatever passes for his masculine equipment...presuming anyone could find it. What a vile excuse for a male being, let alone a MAN! The only question I have is, how did he ever con a fine woman like Katie into matrimony? Oh, I shouldn't ask, having been once conned by an abusive jerk myself when I was young and dumb.

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Actually, he is :))

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Yeah, it's a fake pic, too.

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He and his cackling cronies ought to be in lock-down for that trashy stunt.

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And one fire is perilously close to his library, where he and Nancy are buried.....which might be a metaphor for something else. As my late mama used to say, "God's time is not our time."

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How can Trump 'bluster' and 'tell it like it is' at the same time?

Trump's actions have nothing to do with inexperience in foreign affairs and everything to do with Trump's inexperience with honor and ethics.

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You can barely see the pixels.

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Isn't lying to the FBI a felony? Can convicted* felons run for national office in CA?

*no, I don't know if there is any other kind.

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"One man's revenge porn is another man's career opportunity."

Sadly succint.

This is hilarious, though,

"...the Pulitzer non-contender..."


Thanks for the smile and another excellent article, Mr. Robinson.

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"Seize this, dickweed!!" There would be virtually no opportunity to say this in everyday life.

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