i didn't know he was in hospital

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Inflation falls as the GOP moves to make AR the national gun!--Jim Hoft, eventually

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He is exactly the same as all his comrades in the "freedom caucus".

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Removing any and all profit motives from political campaigns would help weed out grifting gallywags like What's His Name toot suite.

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Long Island Republican saw a green light on the opposite shore to begin his reelection campaign.

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I would think rule 1 of a scam artist would be "keep a low profile". That way when you take the money and run the victim will have a hard time finding you. Running for congress is just the opposite of that. Getting elected was a terrible career move.

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He will never go away.

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Speaking of Biden's age.. I was seeing last night that Yertle McTurtle isn't going home from the hospital but being released to a rehab facility (so, not a minor mishap). Which got me to wondering about his age and would you look at that - nine months to the day older than Old Handsome Joe. Presumably his jowly wattle disguises that fact. Funny thing, tho - you don't see anyone on the right calling for HIM to retire.

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George Santos:



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Trump/Santos '24: Give us all your money and no one gets hurt.

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The same could be said for TFG running for president.

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How much did they pay promise him to have his assistant spew that?."Pay"? Hahaha.

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Oh, hoft would have to pay trump before trump would do anything. And as the stupidest man on the internet hoft certainly would have paid.

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This timeline? Yeah I want it to crash, then I'll restart from a pre-2016 save.

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He seems confident about the investigation's outcome, however, because he filed paperwork Tuesday indicating his intent to run for re-election.

I could be wrong, but I'd be pleasantly surprised to discover that having an ethics investigation blow you away in this congress would prevent you from running for the next congress, or from being seated if you won.

We're all about forgiveness, when it involves congresscritters.

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Sometimes it seems like the entire country somehow goes on despite government. I have electricity, clean water, shelter, food.

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