They already claimed it's a lie and are gobbling his knob again.

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I wish you wouldn't be reluctant to post your comments just because you don't contribute money. People who post on Wonkette are also making a contribution. Given that this site is one of the rare examples where communism works outside of the family, I would think everyone associated with the site would welcome your contribution to the comments. (Or, as some would put it, to the "non-comments.")

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Oh fuck off sideways. I was reading on my phone and the link didn't show up.

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Let's focus on the important stuff. This man needs another service dog. Stat!

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Does that fall under wire fraud?

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Wait. Didn't you hear? He denied it. And if you can't trust George Santos, who can you trust?

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Does that make it antisemitish?

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Maybe he should. He's got two years in the House if some governmental authority doesn't come after him. Then what? He humiliated his local party, stole from big-money donors, and been the recipient of the slow, steady trickle of shittiness that continues to come out on a too-regular basis. His chances of reelection are nil.

What then? What does George Santos do when everyone knows he's nothing more than a scam artist? What other skills does he have with which to support himself?

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George killed the dog to steal $3,000 from a homeless, disabled vet.

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You can tell he's a Republican, because a Democrat would have done it the other way around.

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We lost two retired service dogs over an 18-month period. As the vet pointed out, there's a special bond with a service dog. Casey had to be put to sleep last July, and we were so lucky that we'd adopted the next service dog two weeks before so we didn't come home to an empty house.

Here's Rachel, who'll be starting her service dog training in the spring.


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Friends had a Rottweiler. Petting him was like running your hand along a fur-covered rock. Nothing but muscle. He loved baby carrots and would snatch them out of the air if you threw them to him.

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A friend worked animal control. He said Chihuahua's were always the worst biters.

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Bills need to pass the Senate and Biden to become law.

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Ms. O had a service dog who was always perfect in public.

Except the Saturday morning in a Big Boy when they brought in a guy in an oversized Big Boy head for the kiddos. Tasia was out from under the table and barking like crazy, the first time for that sort of behavior.

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Wish I could multiple upvote this.

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