Caller ID does help until they start masking their names and numbers. I get quite a few calls from "Unknown Caller" and "Caller ID Blocked."

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Refresh my memory, where is Satan registered to vote? Everywhere, right?

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In the picture, the guy to the left of Louie Gohmert is pretty darn scary-lookin'.

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I voted early. I just wish when you do that somewhere, somehow a tiny switch is thrown and you stop being bombarded with ads and phone calls.

Hmmmm, that would be a great incentive to get people out to vote in the midterms.

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I will vote - because the Upper West Side might go Republican if I don't.

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Sweet Jebus be glad you con't live in CA-52 (assuming you don't), which the Rethugs have identified as a possible pickup because the incumbent Dem, Scott Peters, is a douche bag and a first-termer. The mailbox disgorges a torrent of fliers every day, and teevee and radio throughout San Diego are swamped with the stupidest ads.

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I have a small screen so only get Ariana Piccola.

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I live near the Kansas/Missouri border, and MO doesn't have any elections thos year besides US House (I live on a district with a popular Democratic incumbent so there's no really reason for me to vote except I AM VOTING ANYWAYS BECAUSE CIVIC DUTY), so I am stuck being bombarded by campaign ads for KS elections I cannot even vote in. SO READY FOR THIS TO BE OVER.

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Mrs._p and I have hit upon a way to deal with that -- we haven't answered the phone in the past 6 months.

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Jerk-off DeMaio would be a thousand times worse, fer sher. Have you been following the masturbatory news about him lately? It kind of expresses the whole level of the campaign.

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Remember in 2010 or whenever it was that CA went to the top-two primary system? The deep thinking talking heads called it "the jungle primary" and said it would be a disaster, and instead we passed the obstruction of the RWNJ rethugs and government in CA is actually working again, sort of?

Now if we could just get rid of Prop 13....

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I live in PA, in a heavily Republican district and I haven't missed a vote in more years then I can remember. At the polls, most of the Democrats know each other by name. We shake hands and reminisce and then we vote. Even against these odds we've managed to turn it around sometimes, most notably when we got Joe Sestak elected.

The sad thing is the party has given up on us. This time around it is Pat Meehan against "Some nice lady with photocopied campaign ads". Actually, she's pretty bright, has some decent ideas, but ain't nobody gonna know that. She got on the ticket unoppossed because the Democratic Party had better things to do. I receive nightly phone calls for donations to the Democratic Congressional Campaign to help turn "Georgia blue" or "let's turn Kentucky azure", and I give ...to a point. I just keep wondering when the Democratic Party is going to show support for its base. Well, enough of that.

I'll vote, we'll lose, but on the upside I do get to oust our dickhead Govenor.

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