If the criteria for "greatest failure" was not doing something I probably shouldn't be doing in the first place, then I guess my greatest failure is not punching him in the face.

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<i>"The former president said his greatest failure in office was not passing Social Security reform."</i>

OMFG. wait, acronym inadequate. OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!

I don't want to trot out the list of monumental mistakes, fuck ups, disasters and tragedies that punctuate the Bush Epoch. It's too depressing -- I think I have PBTSD, Post Bush Traumatic Stress Disorder. But just one bigger mistake than social security "reform".

He should have supported his war efforts with some form of national sacrifice. An imported petroleum tariff would have been appropriate. Without that, only service members and their families were truly involved in the fight. The rest of us -- me included -- only bought yellow ribbon magnets or donated to the USO. I think a call to national sacrifice would have made people question its necessity and -- I believe -- prevented the war.

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Well duh!

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