Ah, Georgie, we hardly knew ye.

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Jar Jar Bush LIBEL!!1!

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Nobody remembers Buchanan. Bad as the Shrub and Raygun were, Ole Doughface stumbled and bumbled us into the Civil War.

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It's Shelley Adelson and his dingleberry groomers.

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Remember that then-Defense Secretary Cheney argued against it.

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Bush, 6 months after 9/11:


"Bin Laden determined to strike in US"

August 6, 2001, presidential daily briefing (36 days befre 9/11):

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10 years later...

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Commander, U.S. Special Operations (Seal Team Six), Admiral McRaven on President Obama:"He [PRESIDENT OBAMA] made some very, very tough decisions. I would contend he was the smartest guy in the room."

"He [PRESIDENT OBAMA] had leadership skills we'd expect from a guy who had 35 years in the military."

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In 8 Years, George W. Bush Never Greeted Fallen Troops: http://firedoglake.com/2009...

So yeah, fuck you, Duh-bya.


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"There you go again."

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The is the most votely voting comment I have ever voting seen at Wonkette, which does not allow voting comments, any voting way.

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Where to start???*

*Try to map this out and you've basically got the wiring diagram for the LHC at Cern.

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To be fair, people should listen when GWB speaks about policy and diplomacy fuck-ups in the middle east.

With the possible exception of Dick Cheney, there is no one with greater experience in the field, in the twenty-first century to date.

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