Keeping in mind that this is Sheldon Adelson's paper, it is no surprise.

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George Bush....Al Gore...not a dime's difference...

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You forgot your sarcasm tag.

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Y'know, until he sits his ass in a prison cell I'll consider Bush the winner in all this. Remember when Rove said that the Bushies were able to create their own reality just by doing what they want? It's still working for Bush, Cheney and the others. They've never been held accountable for the war, the torture, and the killing.

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6)How Bush Abandoned Democracy Right Here in the United States by any civic-minded person who survived his regime.

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No doubt laughing up his sleeve while visiting Bitburg Cemetery. Keeping his briefcase with his .38 near to hand so's he could kill some more SS.

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Well he had to do something after they bombed Pearl Harbor.

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GWB: "Wasn't they the gang what was always fighting in West Side Story?"

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And that "No Child Left Behind" turned out pretty good, also, too. gwb stumblbumming from from "crisis" to "crisis". I do think the child was reading "My Pet Goat" to gwb 'cause gwb wasn't capable of reading it to the children (certainly not with any comprehension beyond a bush level).

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The Kardashians?

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Being a "jet's" pilot (arghh, somebody let this fuck???). But then he became confused and thought he was Romeo. Or maybe it was Juliette. Damn. Beyond me how this little punk of a homunculus ever............ and more........

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One of the few things where a sarcastic turn of the expression, "Thanks a lot, Obama!" could be utilized properly

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Will somebody please throw a gunny sack over his head and drag him kicking and screaming to The Hague?

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They support the mission, just not the men and women actually DOING the mission.

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I got all these Army men, and I'm gonna make 'em fight! And we're gonna make all the stars on the carpet IEDs!

- George W. 'I don't wanna take a nap!' Bush

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