Nobody likes Lieberman, not even post-fetus-jar-stress-disorder suffering anus-people jabbering nonsense at bigwig foreigns.

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That photo is the worst hug since Richard Nixon hugged Sammy Davis, Jr.

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Many years ago, when Lester Maddox was Gov'Nor of Georgia, there was a fire in the his library.

Both books were destroyed - and he'd only half-colored one of them.

In the case of Bush 43, I think his Presidential Library will be stocked with remaindered copies of his memoir.

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Could Jack have meant "car tune" dogs? Because I have known many dogs to sing a tune when a car goes by.

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Dubya out-mavericks the maverick. Amazing.

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I assume <i>everyone</i> reads wonkette. There's just a kinda small number of peeps who click my thumbs-up thingy.

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HEY! My hair reads wonkette ya know. And now it's insulted.

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The Repubican platform in the mid-term election was Back To Bush. Undo health care (& millions uninsured), keep the tax cuts (& corresponding deficits), deregulate financial systems, etc. If Bush would have endorsed Obama, perhaps he'll also agree his policies actually were a fucking nightmare for America.

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Underdog. Mr. Peabody. Santa's Little Helper. Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog. Okay, Manfred's technically not a cartoon dog.

I think this crew could make small talk with Gordon Brown just fine.

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Wow...when Bush throws someone under the bus, they friggin' well stay there. I bet that when Bush dies, there be some small print on the stone:

"Suck it, Walnuts"

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This reminds me of the rumor 18 years ago about Reagan voting for Clinton.

Not as interesting as McCain nominating Palin for VP, which I liken is closer to Caligula appointing his horse to the Senate.

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There's nothing like a good sense of humor, and Dubya has <i>nothing</i> like a good sense of humor.

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