To be honest, since Prommie didn't call Armstrong out by name, I was going more with the Festina border incident from '98. Let's face it, cycling's had a long tradition of innovation in doping, <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Knut_Jensen" target="_blank">unphased</a> by the <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Tom_Simpson" target="_blank">deaths</a> that resulted.

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Unfortunately, I can't revert my actual <i>body</i> to 1974.

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It <i>was</i> designated by God.

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He's not done humping this Mitt yet.

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Speaking of you know, actual shambles, how's Mitt's campaign going so far, Will?

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"Mitt's not black Mitt's not black Mitt's not black" also too.

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Cars full of needles, EPO and steroids libel!

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Game ends on the 27th out of the <em>trailing</em> team.

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Of course, George Will fails to mention that Cleveland told Mr. Robinson "We want you to be a PLAYER Manager." Who was the last guy to get stuck with that job? Rogers Hornsby (who traded himself)? Lou Boudreau? Al Lopez?

Typical way a Black man gets treated. Do twice the work for half the credit.

PS: When the great Frank Robinson was with the Cinncinnati Reds, the owner Bill DeWitt was approached with a trade offer. His reply? "I wouldn't trade Frank Robinson for your whole team."

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You are correct!

Anyone who bothers to look up the definition of "shambles" will think of the streets in Iraq running with blood. The crimson covered hills of Afghanistan. The bodies of innocent women and children strewn across the Middle East. The...well, you probably get the point by now...

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Remember the Gary Troudeau cartoons where Will had a "quote boy?"

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Remember the Mistake By the Lake? 80,000+ seats and about 5,000 fans in them.

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George Will is still alive?

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Don't you lose a turn if you look the word up and it's there?

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Yes, the <a href="http:\/\/www.crawford-texas.org\/sitebuildercontent\/sitebuilderpictures\/.pond\/kennethresting.jpg.w300h263.jpg" target="_blank">only President ever</a> to wear jeans.

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<i>instead, the nation, which is generally reluctant to declare a president a failure — thereby admitting that it made a mistake in choosing him — seems especially reluctant to give up on the first African American president.</i>

actually george we aren't ready to give up on him because he's not, you know, a failure.

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