I'm sure Ray Kinsella was getting a gubmint corn subsidy.

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That's it, George. My secret interpartisan crush on you is OVER.

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This is all you need to know about George Will: In the 1980s, when I lived in DC and there were more people living on park benches than in homes, Will was seen with Nancy Reagan on a shopping trip, carrying her bags of goodies. Nothing has changed. He's still carrying the bags for his benefactors.

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One other thing these "skilled" investors dump their money in is the fucking MBSs that WRECKED THE ECONOMY IN 2008! These are geniuses who bombed their millions in to moral hazard and created the incentives for "banks" to rip off otherwise ineligible borrowers. FFS!

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Wonkette needs to have one of these cast of one sitcom meets the cast of another sitcom. George and Peggy meet in a bar, start waxing poetic about Ronnie, get smashed, and wind up in a broom closet in a total sympathy fuck.

Sorry, eye/mind bleach not included.

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Maybe we could outsource Will's jerb also too. I hear there are 10,000 monkeys with typewriters not doing anything who certainly are capable of coming up with something better than this pablum.

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It's difficult to put my feelings about that image into words but 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY NOOOOOOOO!!!!!' comes close. thank you.

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HHHmmmmm - George Beefeater Will and PeggingtonTanqueray Noonanshireginsville - separated at birth?

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It's too bad idiotic, sycophantic pedantry can't be outsourced.

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"I got mine, fuck all y'all."

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my local newspaper the florida times union, used to be a full sized real newspaper. it has always been a right wing piece of shit but it was once a real paper. last week I noticed that it is now a tabloid. we have a free liberal weekly with a higher percentage of readers than the FTU which costs a dollar. as I walk my dog in the wee small hours of the am, I sometimes see the poor delivery man. he seems to deliver no more than several dozen papers in a neighborhood with about 500 houses. I have been told the FTU no longer carries cal thomas, george will,or the other half dozen wingnuts that used to grace their sordid pages. their demise will be no loss. the WP will likely fade into oblivion and assholes like will won't have a soapbox. the world will be a better place without these brain dead fools.

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An irrational, poorly argued rationale will do just fine if your sleeping at night (on a pile of money) depends on it.

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You know who thinks income inequality is good? The folks who have all the income.

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I see Mr. Will's point - economics is much easier when you wave around platitudes and anecdotes. Math is hard!

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Of course slavery was better but what you gonna do. Too many Liberals!

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There he goes assuming the "rich" have "skills" by which they came upon their money. Is one of these skills (the main one?) being born into a rich family? That will assure you of your means.

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