<i>The person going through <b>the incident</b>, such as I was...</i>

So, let's consider his use of the term "<i>the</i> incident...", as if it's an inevitability. You gotta gun? You're going to have to go through '<i>'the</i> incident'. Sort of like every person, before being born, goes through '<i>the</i> gestation period'.

Considering his audience though it <i>might</i> not be inapt. I'd guess that the gun-humping assholes who listen to this show (just like the gun-humping asshole who's calling into it) are at much higher risk of being involved, inevitably, in an unjustified shooting incident than the population at large.

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**** Ken Cuccinelli 30 second Media Spot - Voiceover Text ****

Have you or a loved one shot, killed or maimed an unarmed ethnic person? Do you or a loved one PLAN to shoot, kill or maim an unarmed ethnic person in the next 6 -12 months? If so, you may be eligible for a low-cost, gun owners' self defense insurance policy.

Imagine this scenario. You are walking alone, at night and you see a black person. You immediately begin to sweat and feel the fear up your spine. You are in fear for your life. After all, black people have superhuman strength and could snap you like a twig if they so desired. So you grab your weapon to be prepared, and yes he continues toward you, leaving you no choice but to rightfully defend yourself. You are safe, but this is where the real nightmare begins. People begin to question YOU as if you were the criminal, and if not prepared you could end up in jail ... or worse.

Let Ken Cuccinelli LLC. help. With just one small monthly payment our experienced team of lawyers can keep you defending your self, free and unencumbered by the police and the media. Our exclusive Platinum Plan will protect you, your handguns and your long rifles against unlawful arrest. Our plan is perfect for any free American protecting themselves against Mexicans, African Americans or Muslim Extremists and we offer affordable options to cover Jews and Asians as well.

So remember, don't go out in the streets defending yourself, without protecting yourself. Call Ken at 555-525-5525 and say "I need a pass, so I can cover my ass". and let Ken help. Let Ken Cuccinelli shoot down all of those tricky legal obstacles that can occur when you shoot down a tricky life-threatening obstacle. Call today.

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Of course, it would require a prosecutor who actually wants to prosecute you, rather than being forced into by public opinion.

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Still rather live as a deluded Zimmerman than as the mother of a murdered teenager.

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Are you auditioning a new avatar for disqust?

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Hahaha. I think you posted a picture once. I'm amazed you've made it this far. (Although, as for me, the being white thing is helpful).

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I think I remember that song.

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"RWNJ media"

"big steaming pile of paranoid demented dogshit"

You repeat yourself.

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Tis the season...

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Darryl Issa, is that you?

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You want to purchase the "Witness 40" option, which protects aganst indictments.

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Consider it done. No need to thank me.

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He would be perfect for the military. Send him straight to Afghanistan.

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"The Incident". A euphemism to hide his shame?

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“Hannity was the only person who “didn’t rush to judgment””

Must have been a different Hannity than that guy on Fox News.

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That insurance idea is pretty nifty! And given the number of unarmed black teenagers getting gunned down, there's probably group rates available.

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