Wisdom escapes Barry in everything he touches, even when he has good intentions. If the president, his DOJ staff, etc and his supporters wish to re-fight the civil war I think that they will find that freedom prevailed, slavery was abolished and the union was preserved, although they seem to want to tear it apart.

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Because racial tensions never existed before Obama and racism is all exclusively his doing. Mmmkay.

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Wow! You have sarcasm? I'm not going to spoon feed common sense with endless jargon so it is up to you to get beyond your own prejudices.

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What did you mean by civil war? Why/how is Barry wanting to start a civil war?

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He's stuck on the Civil War which has been decided. Many statements coming from him and his like-minded cohorts have done nothing for those he constantly dwells on. We are to have a federal police force soon. Could be a good thing, but little that Washington does is simple, pragmatic or solves much. He should play golf and let someone who is a problem solver handle things, but he thinks there are none better than himself. I think he needs counseling, not by some that would blow smoke up his hind end, but by those that would speak truth. He won't tolerate it, because he thinks he knows best. It's a stigma. He hasn't had to face the facts that he is unaccomplished, inexperienced, and talked his way beyond his level of competency, a la 'The Peter Principle'.

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That's nice, but you still didn't explain how Barry was trying to re-fight the civil war. What is he doing, exactly, that would bring you to this conclusion?

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He's all about race, period, and if I need to explain that......You're wasting our time

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No, you don't need to explain.

Obama is the real racist for having stuck his nose in the whole Zimmerman thing, right? If he wasn't golfing or doing other stuff that previous Presidents TOTALLY haven't done, he could be investigating real scandals like Benghazi or Hillary Email-gate, right? All him and Al Sharpton are trying to do is egg on the blacks because the blacks have never really had it so had to begin with. They're the REAL racists.

Did I get that right?

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I am very, VERY glad I missed this while on the road. It would have ruined the trip...

Mr Z? Fuck you. Fuck you and your malfunctioning cortex and your world-record case of butt-hurt. Fuck your parents for never having brought you up to be even a reasonable facsimile of a human being. Fuck emergent behaviour, in that the conditions of the Big Bang resulted in your existing at all. Fuck the air and food and water that sustained you. Fuck anyone and everyone who has supported you in your psychopathic fantasy about being The Only Sane Man In The Room. Fuck the media who, instead of burying you so deep even your family would have forgotten your name, instead flaunted you at decent people like a particularly disgusting sideshow freak.

There are approximately 10^27 molecules in the human body. Da Rules prevent me from telling you how I would like to find out if, in your case, that is true. So I will merely say fuck off and die, and decrease the surplus population of literally worthless human beings, Mr Z. Nothing in your life will become you like the leaving it.

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Don't fret, sometimes we get kittens.

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I'd suggest Latitude: N 29° 31' 58.0933", Longitude: W 55° 29' 29.3172"

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"Your Success is Our Goal" would actually make sense.

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Hey, that's not Juno Temple..!

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Ameliorate yourself, George. Or maybe stifle.

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I threw up in my mouth a lot.

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