In this case, "black", "teen", and "hoodie" are the true parts. Which seems to be more than enough to get their message across.

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A couple of weeks ago, during the last big "reveal / walkback", a commenter* pointed out that what they're doing is trying to pre-influence potential jurors to believe Trayvon was "dangerous" or "hostile", using assertions that they would never be allowed to present in court.

I believe there have been some experiments done that indicate that, perhaps because of confirmation bias, when people are told something dramatic, and then subsequently told that, oops, no, it wasn't true, that there is still a residual tendency to believe, a little bit, the original dramatic claim.

See, also, the recent outbreak of ghazis.

*It may have been you.

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Hotter, wetter, Squirrelier. Wait.

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Or even God.

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Looking forward to the defense team excluding all black jurors and the judge permitting it.

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Hey waitaminute! Dwarf tossing is still legal in Florida, so don't go saying it ain't!

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Why this case, of all cases, didn't get a gag order slapped on it baffles me?

Too late now - the horse is not only out of the barn, it's clean over in the next county.

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O/T but those two would be a stellar presidential ticket.

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He's entitled to a jury of his peers, so make it twelve angry goobers.

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"We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world; and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men every day who don't know anything and can't read."

-- Mark Twain

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You HAD a lawyer? I was dumb enough that we both just signed the papers and called a day. I could have gotten alimony or at least a better deal on splitting the China.

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I thought the Kuomintang did that.

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What's they expect to be on a high schoolers phone? The Thomas Kinkaide wallpaper collection?

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I shouted out, Who killed the Kennedys? When after all. It was you and Trayvon

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if Orly was beating up a homeless Obama it's be a Jon McNaughton painting...

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i knew nothing good would come of the NYC bike-share program...

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