The real tragedy of this story is that a certified moron ignoramus is breeding. It also points out, twice in one day, why I am so so glad I escaped the state of Georgia.

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Yet another Republican has gone on the record as being an infectious disease.


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My wife and I do not believe in vaccinating our children because we want to expose them to all of the dangers that life has to offer. When they were very small we'd leave them in an unlocked car, in a dark parking lot, for hours at a time. Sadly, no one ever took them so they missed out on that experience. I suppose if they were cuter there might have been more interest, but oh well.

Similar to the Congressman, we UN-homeschooled our children. We let them go to public school, but spent the evenings contradicting everything they learned that day, making fun of their teachers and forcing them to watch television. You know, we present, they decide.

This may sound harsh, but these techniques are critical in the struggle to raise strong, independent children or an average pack of wolves. Admittedly, it helps if you start out not liking them very much, but with the right amount of effort you can fight that instinct to nurture and care for them and instead, teach them to find those elusive bootstraps everybody's always talking about.

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It's the jazz approach.

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On which side of the border does he want to put those "IUD's"? What, directly on the border itself? Does that mean we have to dig up the dang fence?

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I see you read my mother's book on child-rearing...

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"Meteors never hit the earth because one has never fallen in my backyard.""There has never been a female president therefore there never will be one""Mountains of evidence are irrelevant in determing the truth of anything if it contradicts what I already believe."

Etc., Etc....

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So, they're still at home, or at least on the doorstep outside?...

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I wonder if children will be able to sue their parents for not immunizing them based on "personal beliefs".

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"Loudermilk promised he’d look into whether his committee had oversight authority to find out about the CDC’s nefarious dealings, and later released a statement reassuring constituents that two other committees are already looking into this already settled science."

Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL) is on the case. Depending on who you talk to, he has between 500 and 200,000 pages of purloined CDC documents, provided by a whistleblower. Posey, you might remember, was author of a ridiculous 2011 "Birther Bill" which was supposed to settle the question of whether Obama is a radical Muslim communist terrorist, or merely an illegal alien.

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Well, based on the IUD question, he represents his constituents, all right.

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We're gonna need a bigger speculum.

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"Blow them up?" That guy was talking about a dental dam and not an IUD. Plus he obviously doesn't know how oral sex works.

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Not if they're dead.

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A to the fucking Men

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And things that get swallowed end up in the uterus... how?

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