<blockquote>British troops took the city in 1778, and the following year a combined force of American and French soldiers failed to rout the British at the Siege of Savannah. The British did not leave the city until July 1782.</blockquote>

Unless Wikipedia's got it all wrong, I don't know that I'd be bragging about this.

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There is naught to wonder why Theirs is but to derp and die

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"Yeppurs, my ancestors used one of these suckers to hurl rotting cow corpses and disease-laden feces at..... well, come to think of it, I have no idea who they were hurling it at."

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Just the thing to breach the Mighty Fortress which art our God.

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And the Junior High School Tchaikovsky concert.

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"My OTHER CANNON is a just a pee-shooter"

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He means the GOP Abbreviated Constitution, the one without Articles IV-VI, an Establishment Clause, or Amendments 4-9 and 13-17.

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Because none of those real US military people took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Wait, no, I mean, taking up arms against the United States government is totally Constitutional and in no way declares you a domestic enemy of the Constitution or the government lawfully chosen by a majority of citizens.

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this will quite well with mitt romney's bayonets.

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Teatard candidates invariably shoot themselves in the foot -- which is something I'm really looking forward to in this case.

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They arranged it that way to fool the Libtards, obviously.

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For it's hi-hi-hee in the field artillery Shout out your numbers loud and strong For w'erever you go, you will always know That the derpers go rolling along...

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Do you expect him to be a mere flash in the pan?

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<i>“As the only licensed firearms dealer in America running for Congress, I’m willing to do the same if we have to”</i>

G.E.N.I.U.S.!! Let's let him arm Congress to the teeth and the last ones out alive get to make laws. I figger that the GOPpies are so wonderful at shooting themselves in the foot....

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