Can’t loiter or prowl in a hired vehicle.

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See? America is not a racist country at all like Nikki said. It’s just strangely coincidentally horrifically violent towards POC. So weird!

I hope Mr Walker recovers fully and receives all the compensation coming to him from his brutalizers and those covering for them.

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Racism is a sickness.

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WTF is wrong with these people?

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Sure. Whatever. You can justify your bias any way you like. So why did the cop get fired?

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How is it that these police departments are STILL begging to be defunded?!

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In this case, the getaway IS the heist.

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Never carry mine. If they want to know bad enough they'll find out.

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I've had my issues with ICE. They can go fuck themselves.

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Cool cool. You would be my nightmare as a client, but best of luck with that.

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Already been through it. As I said below ICE can go fuck themselves.

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And the L.A. County Sheriff wonders why people would stand around and laugh at two wounded deputies who were attacked while sitting in their car.

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Per INA §264(e): LPRs 18 and older must carry official evidence of permanent resident status "at all times" or its a misdemeanor. Generally not a great idea to fuck around when on a green card.

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(and unfortunately "fuck around" is "being alive" when it comes to a lot of ICE cowboys)

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Understand and agree!

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