Wrong and confused for so long it's not trueWanted a woman, never bargained for youSweet little Fani, say what you willTongue wag so much when You send me the bill

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Seriously. The instant HRC conceded, every single talking head insisted that she enter a convent and take a vow of silence. Meanwhile we've heard from Donald of Orange every. Single. Goddamn. Day.

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"Stop resisting", also, too.

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Congratulations, madam prosecutor. We are naming the fourth degree burn after you.

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That's the one that goes all the way to the bone.

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“And a band of DAs joined in and it sounded something like this!”

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Kemp is terrified to do the RIGHT thing. I’m starting to enjoy this new timeline. Have the Democrats put out a commercial in Georgia yet thanking Kemp for stopping Trump’s theft of 11,000 votes?

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What’s the phrase that’s become popular around here this summer? Fuck Around and Find Out? Man, I would hate to be a corrupt Republican right now. It’s like open season on those guys! The way they’re getting picked off is like the baptism scene in The Godfather.

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" the DA’s Office has engineered the Governor’s interaction with the investigation to reach crescendo in the middle of an election cycle.""

Here's the deal...For better or worse, we are ALWAYS in SOME election cycle...It Never Fucking Ends Ever...So this excuse holds ZERO water...Its just the nature of our democracy (or what's left of it)...and that nature is ELECTIONS ALL THE TIME ALWAYS FOREVER NONSTOP JESUS FUCKING CHRIST CAN'T WE USE OUR TIME DOING SOMETHING OTHER THAN RUNNING FOR FUCKINIG OFFICE ALL THE TIME THE END?

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Yeah, and they are finding out because they didn't renounce Satan and all his works.

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I recognized the name. It kills me that she could have been my older sister.

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"out of "respect for the position Governor Kemp holds and a fondness for his wife due to her advocacy for Human Trafficking victims.”

I'm gonna start calling that a 'shell cause"...I'd wager its a lot like Melania's "cause celebre" per bullying...

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""We were giving Governor Kemp the courtesy of having his lawyer present for a taped interview to avoid him having to testify live. In any case, this offer is now off the table," she wrote. "He will be formally summoned to the [Special Purpose Grand Jury] and you will be welcome to wait for him in my Ruby Bridges Lobby while he testifies."

OK...I am officially in LERV with Fani Willis...

Is she trying to out-badass Stacy Abrams? because THAT'S a "cat fight" where EVERYBODY wins...

but more like a tag team!


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"Let's discuss some of the ways you are wrong," https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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What's that (paraphrased) line about all wise folk fearing a night with no moon, a storm at sea, and the anger of a gentle person, again?

Exhibit #1,286,734 that Republicans Are Not Wise...

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