They're free though.

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He feels he's too valuable to the Nation. He'll want to be like that Ancient Turtle George in the Galapagos, revered by all. Good luck, Mitch-- we decided you consume too much and destroy too much, and cause misery for no reason. Which George never did.

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Don't we all feel it's better to be safe than sorry? And it's for his own good really (black on black crime-- unfortunately it's epidemic in our lovely Nordic homeland) That's our White Women view. Thanks.

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Well we had widespread voting in our little democracy, compared to what had come before. Because it didn't matter who your parents were. Stand up out of the gutter and raise your hand. (secretly)

For myself, I admire the Roman Empire which wackily made every captured person a citizen. However far out of the known world they were. Sure some people they captured were turned into slaves but when things settled down the rest of them were citizens of Rome. Kind of a non-sequitur but still.

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Well I admire him of course.

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I do too, that 's why we need to vote the fuckers out, then impeach Kavanaugh, then let California have 8 senators, and generally make sure the gerontocracy and billionaires don't kill us all with their moronic policies. The minority of religious nutbags is managing to control the majority of the country, and I'm getting really sick of it.

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Sure they are stupid but I'm not stupid and I resent the idea we all have to succumb.

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I hope she won't give up and get a crap car. It takes ages to get over these things, that 's another big sorry thing about it. I remember this from my days of being an impoverished young cute woman getting verbal assaults every single day on the street. Only this is probably worse than that-- more commonly violence behind it.

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I love our country and hope that we are able to find a way out of these very dark days before much longer, but man, this really tests that. The GOP is on the wrong side of history. There are surely sensible people on that side who see that and also despair of the actions being taken to protect a vanishing majority, but not enough, not yet. I do wish that day would hurry the fuck up.

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If people are stupid enough to believe that wealthy people need tax cuts, and the rest of us should take cuts to SS and Medicare to finance tax cuts, this country deserves to go down in flames, because we're too stupid to continue on as a country.

Unfortunately, the Democratic party is TERRIBLE at messaging, while Republicans have mastered the art of propaganda and deception. You'd think with all of Hollywood behind us, and all the world's media, we could come up with some decent advertisements.

The only good ad I've seen this year is Richard Linklater's anti Ted Cruz ad.

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Oscar Wilde was unquestionably cooler than any of us.

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Good for you, sweetie. I'm proud to be a good person. I was born with the rest of my privilege--can't really be proud if I didn't earn it.

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Well, "democracy" is a Greek word, so maybe it's been around a bit longer.

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Yes, I wonder how ordinary people can regard them as special when they make a ruling like they did the other day. It's the most unconstitutional unequal protectionistic decision I ever heard of. I should think their reputations, on the basis of that one decision, would be ruined among their fellow lawyers. I dont' get it at all. Isn't Roberts supposed to be a decent guy? He isn't.

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think you're cooler than us, Oscar Wilde?

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It's important to remember tho, that that was RADICAL at the time. Nutty! Did voting exist anywhere? Outside the House of Lords? And various Indian tribes.

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