Wait... So Cheetolini is endorsing Kemp because he's "very strong on... Borders"?

What "Borders"? The now-dead bookstore? Even he can't be stupid enough to mean anything else, could he? Because it's Georgia.... the only borders it has are with other states.

Or is Drumpf expecting this guy to call for a total and complete shutdown until they figure out what's up with Florida Man?

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Gun safety 101.

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My fear is that they'll strip the governor's office of a bunch of power, like what happened in North Carolina when they finally got another Democratic governor.

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Ben Seaver from Growing Pains: what a https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Yep. That's why on Cops, anytime a gun is taken from a suspect, the officer hands it to another officer to clear. A stitch in time saves nine.

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Yes, and yes. I grit my teeth and tell myself it's meant affectionately.

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I would if I were on twitter. I adore a clever man, or woman.

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Hmmm...I'm already following God, and the Church of Satan. Why am I not following Satan? I will have to rectify that.

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Have you ever been licked by a cat? Barbs! Not pleasant on sensitive skin (think eyelid). Or hook a claw into your nostril?

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Stacey Abrams all the way!

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It reminds me of the line from the Exorcist, "Your mother sucks cocks in hell."I don't want to twitter, but if I did, I would follow both accounts.

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Which god? Can it be Bast? Then wrath would consist of leaving dead mice by the door and shedding all over the furniture. I could live with that.

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That is exquisite.

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GOP, so yes.

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'Thought process'? At this point it's just a tropism.

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