" 'Gov. Deal may have ducked having to testify, but he’s still the elephant in the courtroom,' said DuBose Porter, chair of the Democratic Party of Georgia."

Jumbled metaphor be damned, that's a great line!

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=BkK2vEZ5bTk" target="_blank">Atlatls</a> in Atlanta?

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His daughter. I actually know one of her cousins(? he's one of Sam's nephews, I'll have to ask him). He's a bit goofy, wicked smart and a really decent guy. If she's half the person he is, she's head and shoulders above any of the drooling idjits she's running against. Too bad she's a Dem and a she, I'm not sure that being the spawn of Sam is enough to overcome those obstacles.

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and unlike the lackeys at brainfart, their lips don't move when they read

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Their perfect candidate is shaping up to be an abandoned pet rock

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during pledge week, if I'm not mistaken

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there's an app for that

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Marietta will be Ground Zero. Sorry.<br /><br /><br />Is it really better than Florida? Kinda hoping to keep Apalachicola too.

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Chicken Boy went to Georgia Tech, which is one of the <strike>Ivy</strike> Kudzu League of the South. </strike>

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I'm considering Decatur & little 5 as Atlanta proper.

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Oh they can definitely make Marietta Ground Zero... I'm north OTP not west OTP. ;)

It's better than most of Florida but there are a few areas still dear to me there as well. Scalloping off the coast of App is one of them.

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Beaches on St George Island are exquisite...too good for Rick Scott.

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We have to give up on Georgia, that much is clear. But can we retain Savannah somehow?

Of course!--it's coastal.

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This is a GOP primary, to decide which asshat is dumb and Jesus-y enough to run against a Democratic candidate, who could be Thomas Jefferson reincarnated, but will still have no chance, because Democrat.

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Their base? 1. Stupidz 2. Assholes 3. Any combination of the above

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Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

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