We always called it a 'Wallet Biopsy'.

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Yeah, but you know as well as I do that they're lying.

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The thing that never stops astonishing me about shitweasels like this is that they are blatantly anti-poorz -- and really, many of them are almost race-neutral* about it -- and yet many of the people who vote for them are poorz. Obviously, I do not understand the detailed thought processes of those voters, but it sure looks like there's a good chunk of folks who fundamentally aspire to be peasants.

*Or, more precisely, their desire to fuck over the minority poor is sufficiently great that they are willing to accept collateral damage among the white poor.

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Inset obligatory comment about Sherman here.

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Plus side: there'd still be cocaine in the Coca-Cola.

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Medical emergency you say? That'll be aisle 7: duct tape.

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Bless the empty void where his heart would be if he were not an asswipe from planet Fuckwad.

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Who could ever conceive that meteorologist might actually be right sometimes?

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They do keep moving in in droves -- but taking over isn't exactly an option.

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<i>"... we have a saying that bad facts make bad law.”</i>

Such as with voter ID. Transvaginal probes. Bush tax cuts.

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Another way to lower health care costs is close all hospitals, outlaw practicing medicine, shut down pharmacies. With a little effort, we could get it down to zero.

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Come on now . . . you know they'd have spent the next 10 decades insisting their way of lfe was actually superior, and proud of their heritage.

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There are more intelligent, ethical and sensible creatures lying on their backs at the bottom of stagnant ponds than this guy.

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I was going to ask, "Then what?" - but it's entirely possible that they haven't thought it through beyond that point.

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Oh, Pap, it' s always been my dream to meet another person who correctly uses "troglodytes" in a sentence! *swoons, bats eyes*

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Much as I hate to admit that Deal has ever said anything right, he IS right about one thing: the ER is often the first stop for poor sick people. That's because when you make healthcare a luxury only the rich can afford, people who dare to be poor but also get sick often NEED an emergency room, having by necessity ignored symptoms until they have long since passed "dire".

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