Very good point, whenever the Repubs do ANYTHING in recounts it is to adjust it to a more likeable outcome. In my (non)vast ancient programming experience, computers NEVER made a mistake, debugging was always finding YOUR mistake.
Which is possible if those PoS new machines that helped cause 12 hour waits in line were, just incidentally, boosting the Repub vote. Raffensperger is the most corrupt SoS in the country, seeing as he was picked by the most Corrupt previous one: successful Suppressor and shotgun pickup wielding macho asss-man Gov Kemp; and I think Brad guaranteed this Election to all 3 Repubs, that the fix was in, because this bizarre unprecedented spectacle of 2 Senators viciously attacking the man WHO HAS TO RUN THEIR RECOUNT in 7 weeks had shades of Karl Roves melt-down in Obama's 2012 Election. [Here is my Opus BTW on the Repub Primary Campaign in that race with a 40 min interview w Howard Dean.] ROVE: though Fox must have scrubbed the video- I remember Rove throwing a real fit where he was screaming. They KNEW what the Vote totals were SUPPOSED to be! Georgia voting procedure is like 5 steps, with 2 ID verifications, the most complex rejection-likely procedure I've ever seen, and alone should be enough to get Brad indicted. You just don't have such clusterfk Elections over and over without it being intentional; and of course the monster lines just always happen to be in Black, Lib, or student areas.
I think their fanatical (+suicidal, we can hope) attack on Raffensperger was demanded and forced by the Pig Donald in one of his lunatic rant, threatening phone calls- the Vichy Repubs are all still simply at the beck and call of their Orange Nero. And Brad-Boy's response, "No recount for you LOWER TIER NON-WINNERS!! Ha ha. Maybe he will do a Trump on them and ensure they lose by 500 votes!
The hopes for all mankind ride on the outcome of 2 obscure races in Georgia. Does anyone else think Russia sitting on their hands for THIS election is real and kosher, or does Chump's HSA just tell people what they're told to say?? When the Ruskies had 4 years to practice, were deeply involved in hacking and Social Election Engineering 8-12 months ago, and may have actually gotten into the Election machinery of 30 States in 2016 (I read in some article)!! I don't believe it.
JoeB may get more votes, IF those PoS new machines that helped cause 12 hour waits in line were, just incidentally, boosting the Repub vote. Raffensperger is the most corrupt SoS in the country, seeing as he was picked by the most Corrupt previous one: successful Suppressor and shotgun pickup wielding macho asss-man Gov Kemp; and I think Brad guaranteed this Election to all 3 Repubs, that the fix was in, because this bizarre unprecedented spectacle of 2 Senators viciously attacking the man WHO HAS TO RUN THEIR RECOUNT in 7 weeks had shades of Karl Roves melt-down in Obama's 2012 Election. [Here is my Opus BTW on the Repub Primary Campaign in that race with a 40 min interview w Howard Dean.] ROVE: though Fox must have scrubbed the video- I remember Rove throwing a real fit where he was screaming. They KNEW what the Vote totals were SUPPOSED to be!
Georgia voting procedure is like 6 steps, with 2 ID verifications, the most complex rejection-likely procedure I've ever seen, and alone should be enough to get Brad indicted. You just don't have such clusterfk Elections over and over without it being intentional; and of course the monster lines just always happen to be in Black, Lib, or student areas.
I think their fanatical (+suicidal, we can hope) attack on Raffensperger was demanded and forced by the Pig Donald in one of his lunatic rant, threatening phone calls- the Vichy Repubs are all still simply at the beck and call of their Orange Nero. And Brad-Boy's response, "No recount for you LOWER TIER NON-WINNERS!! Ha ha. Maybe he will do a Trump on them and ensure they lose by 500 votes!
Yeah, the Preacher looks likely, but Dems winning 3 nat races in The Peach State is probably a Bridge too Far in this hideous nightmare Election.
You notice something real real strange, after dozens of warnings it seemed Russia did no hacking or diddling of ANYTHING??? Or was that the command from on High (down Low). Or maybe the 500 polls that all indicated a Blue Tsunami bigger than 2018, were all correct, and massive Ruskie / Repub Ratfking was vigorously suppressed. Although I hate to spin new Conspiracy theories, we must all remember, this is about the most criminal Admin of anything bigger than a City in US History.
The Wages of KempKrime. He looks young and healthy though. I am waiting to see how all the geriatric fascist dinosaurs of Meadow's Freedumb (denying) Caucus fare if Mark spread the seed. And Wilbur, has he been hiding on some pvt island? My God 1900 dead Wed, 144K DNCs!!! India, with 4 times our pop, has 48K DNCs, and 550 deaths/day. And that's in INDIA!!"You watch, it'll be down to 15 cases, ZERO in a few weeks."
Mr. Trump you are charged with 200,000 cases of Criminally Negligent Homicide, how do you plead.
" the Trump campaign could still request a recount if the election is closer than five percentage points," Not to go all math on you but shouldn't this be point five, 0.5 percentage points?
It's too soon for the hacking info to be visible yet but if I had to guess, I'd say that the Russians have been massively at work in the rightwing blogosphere, firing up the base. Like the GOP, they've resigned themselves to losing the WH in 2020 but are now fully focused on the long game. We can expect the spread of dysinformation to accelerate over the entire Biden presidency - but in places where we don't look. I mean, are you willing to spend any time on Parler this month? I'm sure not.
I don't even know what Parler is, except for a hopefully deathly white parlour. An app or a site packed w RW scum. But isn't it striking thre hasn't been one story about Russian hacking in 2 months or so?
Yep, would help if the Dems have the Senate, but if JoeB has the stones, I would love him to prosecute WI, GA, every voter purging Repub SoS. Why Dems didn't ram through some law with real teeth in 2009-10 is inexplicable.
One possible answer is that it doesn't serve the needs of the present moment to suggest that the election was hacked. Even if the hacking was done by Trump's supporters and allies, it opens a door to the loonies who want to claim that the whole election was rigged. What's fun about this is that the GOP and Trump are scrambling for evidence of manipulated voting but are not trying to claim that Russian-style hacking happened - perhaps because it did. So both sides have an interest for the moment in letting that sleeping dog lie.
And it may remain uninvestigated. Do we really want, at this moment, to undermine the claim by DHS that this was the most secure election in history? Me, I wouldn't trust DHS's opinion as far as I could throw a sofa, but I'm happy they spoke up.
I did not know Dan Quayle was in Grease.
Ok, so not loving the bit where the guy from Taxi "pretend" slaps his girl.
If those machines are diddling the vote, that would prove their perfidy, Nyet? Are you sure about that?
Very good point, whenever the Repubs do ANYTHING in recounts it is to adjust it to a more likeable outcome. In my (non)vast ancient programming experience, computers NEVER made a mistake, debugging was always finding YOUR mistake.
Which is possible if those PoS new machines that helped cause 12 hour waits in line were, just incidentally, boosting the Repub vote. Raffensperger is the most corrupt SoS in the country, seeing as he was picked by the most Corrupt previous one: successful Suppressor and shotgun pickup wielding macho asss-man Gov Kemp; and I think Brad guaranteed this Election to all 3 Repubs, that the fix was in, because this bizarre unprecedented spectacle of 2 Senators viciously attacking the man WHO HAS TO RUN THEIR RECOUNT in 7 weeks had shades of Karl Roves melt-down in Obama's 2012 Election. [Here is my Opus BTW on the Repub Primary Campaign in that race with a 40 min interview w Howard Dean.] ROVE: though Fox must have scrubbed the video- I remember Rove throwing a real fit where he was screaming. They KNEW what the Vote totals were SUPPOSED to be! Georgia voting procedure is like 5 steps, with 2 ID verifications, the most complex rejection-likely procedure I've ever seen, and alone should be enough to get Brad indicted. You just don't have such clusterfk Elections over and over without it being intentional; and of course the monster lines just always happen to be in Black, Lib, or student areas.
I think their fanatical (+suicidal, we can hope) attack on Raffensperger was demanded and forced by the Pig Donald in one of his lunatic rant, threatening phone calls- the Vichy Repubs are all still simply at the beck and call of their Orange Nero. And Brad-Boy's response, "No recount for you LOWER TIER NON-WINNERS!! Ha ha. Maybe he will do a Trump on them and ensure they lose by 500 votes!
The hopes for all mankind ride on the outcome of 2 obscure races in Georgia. Does anyone else think Russia sitting on their hands for THIS election is real and kosher, or does Chump's HSA just tell people what they're told to say?? When the Ruskies had 4 years to practice, were deeply involved in hacking and Social Election Engineering 8-12 months ago, and may have actually gotten into the Election machinery of 30 States in 2016 (I read in some article)!! I don't believe it.
JoeB may get more votes, IF those PoS new machines that helped cause 12 hour waits in line were, just incidentally, boosting the Repub vote. Raffensperger is the most corrupt SoS in the country, seeing as he was picked by the most Corrupt previous one: successful Suppressor and shotgun pickup wielding macho asss-man Gov Kemp; and I think Brad guaranteed this Election to all 3 Repubs, that the fix was in, because this bizarre unprecedented spectacle of 2 Senators viciously attacking the man WHO HAS TO RUN THEIR RECOUNT in 7 weeks had shades of Karl Roves melt-down in Obama's 2012 Election. [Here is my Opus BTW on the Repub Primary Campaign in that race with a 40 min interview w Howard Dean.] ROVE: though Fox must have scrubbed the video- I remember Rove throwing a real fit where he was screaming. They KNEW what the Vote totals were SUPPOSED to be!
Georgia voting procedure is like 6 steps, with 2 ID verifications, the most complex rejection-likely procedure I've ever seen, and alone should be enough to get Brad indicted. You just don't have such clusterfk Elections over and over without it being intentional; and of course the monster lines just always happen to be in Black, Lib, or student areas.
I think their fanatical (+suicidal, we can hope) attack on Raffensperger was demanded and forced by the Pig Donald in one of his lunatic rant, threatening phone calls- the Vichy Repubs are all still simply at the beck and call of their Orange Nero. And Brad-Boy's response, "No recount for you LOWER TIER NON-WINNERS!! Ha ha. Maybe he will do a Trump on them and ensure they lose by 500 votes!
Works with routers until the hackers get back in, in 10 minutes.
Fire in the Hole???
Yeah, the Preacher looks likely, but Dems winning 3 nat races in The Peach State is probably a Bridge too Far in this hideous nightmare Election.
You notice something real real strange, after dozens of warnings it seemed Russia did no hacking or diddling of ANYTHING??? Or was that the command from on High (down Low). Or maybe the 500 polls that all indicated a Blue Tsunami bigger than 2018, were all correct, and massive Ruskie / Repub Ratfking was vigorously suppressed. Although I hate to spin new Conspiracy theories, we must all remember, this is about the most criminal Admin of anything bigger than a City in US History.
The Wages of KempKrime. He looks young and healthy though. I am waiting to see how all the geriatric fascist dinosaurs of Meadow's Freedumb (denying) Caucus fare if Mark spread the seed. And Wilbur, has he been hiding on some pvt island? My God 1900 dead Wed, 144K DNCs!!! India, with 4 times our pop, has 48K DNCs, and 550 deaths/day. And that's in INDIA!!"You watch, it'll be down to 15 cases, ZERO in a few weeks."
Mr. Trump you are charged with 200,000 cases of Criminally Negligent Homicide, how do you plead.
" the Trump campaign could still request a recount if the election is closer than five percentage points," Not to go all math on you but shouldn't this be point five, 0.5 percentage points?
It's too soon for the hacking info to be visible yet but if I had to guess, I'd say that the Russians have been massively at work in the rightwing blogosphere, firing up the base. Like the GOP, they've resigned themselves to losing the WH in 2020 but are now fully focused on the long game. We can expect the spread of dysinformation to accelerate over the entire Biden presidency - but in places where we don't look. I mean, are you willing to spend any time on Parler this month? I'm sure not.
I don't even know what Parler is, except for a hopefully deathly white parlour. An app or a site packed w RW scum. But isn't it striking thre hasn't been one story about Russian hacking in 2 months or so?
Yep, would help if the Dems have the Senate, but if JoeB has the stones, I would love him to prosecute WI, GA, every voter purging Repub SoS. Why Dems didn't ram through some law with real teeth in 2009-10 is inexplicable.
One possible answer is that it doesn't serve the needs of the present moment to suggest that the election was hacked. Even if the hacking was done by Trump's supporters and allies, it opens a door to the loonies who want to claim that the whole election was rigged. What's fun about this is that the GOP and Trump are scrambling for evidence of manipulated voting but are not trying to claim that Russian-style hacking happened - perhaps because it did. So both sides have an interest for the moment in letting that sleeping dog lie.
And it may remain uninvestigated. Do we really want, at this moment, to undermine the claim by DHS that this was the most secure election in history? Me, I wouldn't trust DHS's opinion as far as I could throw a sofa, but I'm happy they spoke up.