Don't forget 'means testing,' which ensured that teh poorz wouldn't have a say in how they were governed ruled.

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I’m pretty sure the Russia-adjacent Georgia produces better wine.

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Maybe those people who located Iran in GA on that map test weren't wrong.

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Georgia ought to come with a disclaimer, I'm just sayin'.They aren't exactly hip to black folk and obvs the Puerto Ricans aren't their bros from other mos.

Its like; In Georgia we hate on coloreds, islanders and even those we haven't gotten around to disparaging yet. Consider your selves forewarned! Please, eat a peach.

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There is some history as to why folks are suspicious of PR documents, but it's mostly been addressed:


But find a better way to confirm if it's really an issue than asking them to sing Menudo songs.

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As a Floridian, I can explain this.Using a blinker, shows weakness and some Nascar- wanna be will not let you over.

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On purpose.

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The Puerto Rican population of Georgia has doubled since 2000?There are 90,000 Puerto Ricans in Georgia now?I think I have an inkling of the state government's reason for not wanting them to vote. I'm quick that way. And Shelby County vs. Holder (2013) also too. Hey, I'm certain it's mere coincidence that the first presidential election after 2013 was the one that installed Donald Trump in the Oval Office to make America great again.May hell receive the lying bastards who smirked that suspicion of voter suppression on the part of the great states concerned was out of date and no longer needed federal supervision to prevent it.It's needed now even more than forty years ago, if anything.Oh, our current Australian government daily performs perverted acts with syphilitic baboons for money, too.

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Who was the governor in 2001?What frog lives throughout the south, but is most common in Georgia?When was the original state constitution written?

"We have an officer on duty checking answers."

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Loved fireHose. Chemical Wire FTW.

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The answer to 3 is the Gamecocks and the LSU Tigers.

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If they could get away with it, Georgians would, in order to make their Alabama transplants full citizens of that state, tear up a picture of Nick Saban in front of the DMV tester and pledge eternal fidelity to Uga in front of a marble statue of Uga.

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Yep. Your insight is validated.These people want a return to the time when only landowners got to vote, and only wealthy white men could be landowners. The way it used to be.More or less they want wealth to be the marker of nobility and only nobility get a say in government.

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plus if you are driving a car with Metro Atlanta plates and not driving ultra aggressively and as fast as possible you are liable to be pulled over on suspicion of driving a stolen vehicle

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you should try learning how to drive in that

part of my driver's education was driving from Midtown Atlanta to Marietta on I-75 (obviously my father is very brave)

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They could probably tell you the names of every Quarterback, Tight End, Loose End and Rear End that plays for the Bulldogs or Yellow Jackets.

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