Don't be silly. The good guys have Articles of Confederation, not Constitutions.

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In Germany, I believe flying a swastika will be met with arrest.

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Yes, the particular states right they were concerned about was to preserve slavery. Didn't give a damn about the concept when they were freaking out about Nothern states' refusal to enforce the fugitive slave act.

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*Bump* You got Racism in my Heritage! <i>You</i> got Heritage in my Racism!

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And they killed hundreds of thousands of Northern patriots in the process.

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<a href="" target="_blank">Bush's Beans</a> has naming rights to the Iraq war monument. It will be a giant fart.

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I see your point. I am sure there will be a lawsuit. One can only hope.

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At least they took it off the flag. Right now, the lege is getting into guns, wanting folks to be armed at church and school, where, dog knows this is a <strong>huge</strong> need. I attribute most of this to most of these folks seeing all of it coming to an end: the veneration of the CSA (including the pretend history they imagine they follow) , the guns, the rise of the "people of color" and everything. For some, this means the end of everything. For the rest, these hysterics will run things for a few more years, then fade away.

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Considering that hundreds of thousands of poor Southerners died to protect an economic system that permanently kept them in borderline poverty, I'd agree.

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Wow - there are still "Sons of Confederate Veterans?" Bubba, learn from Comicon: just because you dress up as Batman, talk like Batman, identify with Batman, and wish you were Batman, doesn't mean you are really Batman. Just because Granpappy read to you about Batman and pretended to be Batman, this still doesn't make you a Son of Batman.

If only this were about Batman and not a bunch of rabid 19th century slave owning racists, whose distant relatives are acting butthurt that that mysterious "we" took away their way of life - something which this batch of "confederates" have no experience of and have no idea what they are talking about. They fantasize about a non-existent genteel Southern past, where they were all plantation owners, and everyone knew their place.

Let's face it, the Department of Revenue is going to make a killing on this, and that is why it is happening.

*EDIT: It could be, and I am not saying it's true, that this bunch of confederates inbred like 15th century royals, so the DNA from Gentleman Privates to Bubba is closer than the average. I don't know. It still doesn't change the fantasy aspects. But hey, I'm just asking questions.

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I believe it's actually illegal to do so in Germany. They just don't have the reverence for their heritage that our sons of the soil do.

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