and now this unconstitutional piece of garbage is sitting on Nathan Effing Deal's effing desk to be signed.

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So yeah... not only did his fucking tantrum work; the bill is now sitting on Deal's desk to be signed but several people who were there to protest for Medicaid expansion were arrested. There was much outrage followed by fits of righteousness indignation and celebration by the Teapublicans today.

I would love nothing more than for these asshats to get the hell out of my state & move to Russia or Texas where they belong.

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So the state senate leadership decided they'd rather waste the state's money losing in court?

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Yep... they are on a spending roll this week. Cut education funding & refuse to expand Medicaid but managed to give the Falcons $17M for a fucking parking garage for their new stadium in the city limits of Atlanta.

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Please, please, pleeeeease tell me that he made his speech while entirely naked except for blue paint over his entire body.

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<em>He knew they came, and they would be legion.</em>

Becca, you're better than this...

"He knew they would come, and they would be legion."


"He knew they came, and they were legion."


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It’s a tale told by a winger, full of Reagan and Wolverines, signifying nothing.

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Myrmidons is one of my favorite obscure words (used on Wonkette several times) so I appreciate a fellow delusional Southerner.

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Are you sure the horse wasn't named Rocinante?

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After the speech, little Timmy Walters hobbled into the chamber on make shift crutches. He tugged on Spencer's coat tails, coughed expelling tubercular phlegm onto the plush legislature carpet, and tugged again.

"Does this mean my mommy can get her cancer treated by a real doctor now?" he asked. His eyes grew wider.

Spencer looked down at the young boy's trusting face. "Go fuck yourself kid," he answered.

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"He knew they came, and the jizzstains would be legion."

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and, to be fair, cabfare to Georgia <i>is</i> pretty pricey.

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As we speak Spencer is assembling his orcs for a counter-offensive.

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Leviathan? Barnabas Collins libel!

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No one else would.

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