Welcome back to the Southern-fried 1950s

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Shhhh... A couple of 'em got book learnin' an' can read a little.

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Many an evening with friends around the hookah musing over the potential of opening a Comedy Madrassa in Nawlins.

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Too soon! Still stinging from the demise of my Fetus Funeral Franchise nano-empire. I shouldda stuck with Zygote Flushr App.

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Maybe they could just ban Atlanta.

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Leave it to the GOPbaggers to be on the wrong side of just about everything.

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Fox News anchors report it while standing on their heads?

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Now, will the conservatives who are so adamant about religious freedom support a Muslim who works for the Department of Motor Vehicles if the Muslim refuses to issue driver's licenses to women? Will they support an Amish airline pilot who refuses to fly a plane, but still wants to keep his job?

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Muslims and Jews could also, under this law, say that they refuse service to Christians, and everybody could refuse service to atheists. We are not asking Christian clergy go marry gay people, but "freedom of religion" is another way of saying "freedom to discriminate."

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Sure, the cashiers could look at what is being purchased and ring up only part of it, then say, oh, for polyester/cotton shirts, you may need to go to George over there. He is a Muslim, and so he can ring it up, but you can't also have him ring up the bacon bits. It would get ridiculous.

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Well if they don't establish a stoning day every month for people who eat shellfish or commit adultery or prostitutes what kind of religious freedom is it then? Buncha pikers! Harumph! :folds arms, sits down:

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If I were using American logic, that would mean that all Christians are exactly like this, and want to institute Christian law on the country. Oh, you mean that that brilliant theory only applies to Muslims? Huh.

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Cena was the best thing about "Trainwreck" -- and I liked that movie a lot.

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It's said that every military is prepared to fight its previous war. But unlike McKoon, most militaries at least prepare to fight the last war that they won, not the last one they lost.

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You knew somehow wingnuts would get "refuse service to Jews" and allowing businesses to discriminate against blah people in there....you can set your watch by it.

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The Koonfederacy shall rise agin!~

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