I voted for Barrow and nice, Jewish lady Democrat Lindy Miller for public service commissioner.

I met John Barrow several years ago. A smart, compassionate, and funny guy.

He doesn't stand a chance.

As for Miller - years ago Georgians lynched Leo Frank for being Jewish. So I guess this is progress to allow her to run for office here.

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"But the bread.... The circuses.... Soooo distracting!"

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we can't have fair elections AND make our extraction industry big donors happy at the same time now, can we?

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I have to drop off my wife's & my absentee ballots because we didnty receive in time to mail them back. Just chance? Coincidence? I think not.

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Inside joke between my wife and I as she glances at me every time I step across the threshhold of a place of worship. She will whisper something like 'made it again' when I don't burst into flames. Eventually however...

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The return to paper ballots strikes me as something that sincere and intellectually honest supporters of voter ID requirements would readily get behind. I personally was a supporter of voter ID (back when the proposed laws were about Id's any voter could be expected to have), shifted to just being critical of mail in and electronic voting.

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Tough to do since his crap has multiple points of egress from which to choose.

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So, um, who is running this election?

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Amazing. Somebody explain to me how the people in charge of these enormous corporations are supposed to be smarter than we are and therefore should be running things?

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The reason John Barrow got to the runoff anyway, is because he's a "flaming moderate." Trash moderation all you want: the reality is Georgia is a conservative southern state that last went Democratic for president in 1992. Abrams tactical strategy reaching out to "liberals that don't vote" failed her, even with Kemp's fuckery. It was always an uphill battle: her tactics were bold, but faulty. Barrows were not: he made it this far, as a centrist Democrat!

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I'm a Chem E major too. CS or CE has been looking pretty good lately. Maybe even swerve in a different direction and do psychology with the goal of getting a Psy. D.


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Do they maybe mean that his presidential term was the last presidential term of someone from the greatest generation?

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That'd be a pretty convoluted way to say it, even if it were worth saying (which it really isn't).

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Well, my change in direction was... Crom! fifteen! years ago!

(And I ended up not finishing the CS degree anyway, because I got a good job as a software engineer without it. And I learned way more at work than I did in class.)

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One of the funniest things I saw back when I was a student was a pair of Chem E majors trying to figure out how to make a box of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.

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