I happen to know that there is at least one very smart Georgian who has an actual Ph.D. in history. Someone in Georgia should ask his opinion about all this.
So are they going to tell how they loved the injuns and how awesome they found this new love and everyone sit around the campfire and sung kumbaya as the chiefs gave their land away so Merika could be great. And then also too we lovingly civilized the knee grows a little later in history and that is why we are just one be happy bunch of patriots forever and ever amen to the baybee Jeebus
I happen to know that there is at least one very smart Georgian who has an actual Ph.D. in history. Someone in Georgia should ask his opinion about all this.
Today we are all Georgians.
Coming soon: the Georgia Youth wearing identical patriotic uniforms and marching in perfect unison.
Will they learn about Asymptote, because that sounds like one of them bars where gays go for butt sechs.
So are they going to tell how they loved the injuns and how awesome they found this new love and everyone sit around the campfire and sung kumbaya as the chiefs gave their land away so Merika could be great. And then also too we lovingly civilized the knee grows a little later in history and that is why we are just one be happy bunch of patriots forever and ever amen to the baybee Jeebus
Once again, a portion of the citizens wish to lower the knowledge bar than to raise the knowledge of the students.
Say, you know who else, etc etc.
I guess we are exceptional, just not necessarily in a good way.
Well, maybe not "very smart," but he's a stupid person's idea of what a smart person is like.
Speak for yourself.
EDIT: Walnuts!?
How can we trust any one who spurns beer
Truth be told, I am a home brewer who embraces beer. But I like Burning Spear and spoonerisms.
The Rapture - when American exceptionalism meets the law of gravity.
"law of gravity"? That's just a theory.
The Reptard War on Science® has opened a new front.
<i>&quot;Phyllis Schlafly quite happily lies&quot;</i>
She&#039;s embodies the spirit of Ronald Reagan.